Ive been trying to make autoit press a button when a particular box apperas from a program
Ive left some of my tries so you can see what ive been doing, but this particular button resist what im doing.
It is active and the button is highlighted pressing enter on the keyboard works, just not thru the autoit
[ autoit ]
$path_mal = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe" SplashTextOn("Checking ...", "Malwarebytes Updating", 200, 50, -1, -1, 18) ShellExecuteWait( $path_mal, " /update") ; updates ;~ WinClose("[CLASS: #32770]", "") ;~ If WinExists("[CLASS:Button]") Then ;~ Send("{ENTER}") ;~ EndIf ;~ If WinExists("Malwarebytes Anti-Malware") Then ;~ Send("{ENTER}") ;~ EndIf ;~ WinWaitActive("[CLASS:Button; ID:2]","OK") ;~ Sleep(2000) ;~ Send("{ENTER}") SplashOff()
Ive left some of my tries so you can see what ive been doing, but this particular button resist what im doing.
It is active and the button is highlighted pressing enter on the keyboard works, just not thru the autoit