Not actually for java, but for android client which is java based language.
I am trying to send array from autoit server to android client, and if someone is familiar with java programming, I'm using:
but in order to get this data from autoit server I can't use simple TcpSend() with just binary inside, I have to send the integer of the data size I'm sending 1st! but if I send separately: 1st integer with data size and then the data its not working.
p.s. sending simple text from autoit using TcpSend("string" & @lf) is working with:
Can anyone help me? How should I form the TcpSend function in autoit so that java could recognize it as a valid array of bytes?
I am trying to send array from autoit server to android client, and if someone is familiar with java programming, I'm using:
public byte[] readBytes() throws IOException { InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(in); int len = dis.readInt(); byte[] data = new byte[len]; if (len > 0) { dis.readFully(data); } return data; }
but in order to get this data from autoit server I can't use simple TcpSend() with just binary inside, I have to send the integer of the data size I'm sending 1st! but if I send separately: 1st integer with data size and then the data its not working.
p.s. sending simple text from autoit using TcpSend("string" & @lf) is working with:
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); String cameString = in.readLine(); if(cameString != ""){ //doo whatever with the cameString.. }, but I need more, I would like for example to send array of strings, or image object, or stream audio... but for now I would just like to send the array of strings.
Can anyone help me? How should I form the TcpSend function in autoit so that java could recognize it as a valid array of bytes?