I am getting an error when running my script...with IE.au3 - I believe that this the only function I am using from this UDF _IECreate() - just using to open internet explorer window with the URL ?
I will not be able to test this until Friday - almost quitting time.
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function internal function __IEIsObjType, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function internal function __IEIsObjType, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)
AutoIt COM error handler
Error encountered in Qtip_NMC.au3:
@AutoItVersion =
@AutoItX64 = 0
@Compiled = 0
@OSArch = X86
@OSVersion = WIN_XP
Scriptline = 3690
NumberHex = 80020009
Number = -2147352567
WinDescription = Unspecified error
Description =
Source =
HelpFile =
HelpContext = 0
LastDllError = 0
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function _IELoadWait, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)
I will not be able to test this until Friday - almost quitting time.
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function internal function __IEIsObjType, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function internal function __IEIsObjType, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)
AutoIt COM error handler
Error encountered in Qtip_NMC.au3:
@AutoItVersion =
@AutoItX64 = 0
@Compiled = 0
@OSArch = X86
@OSVersion = WIN_XP
Scriptline = 3690
NumberHex = 80020009
Number = -2147352567
WinDescription = Unspecified error
Description =
Source =
HelpFile =
HelpContext = 0
LastDllError = 0
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Warning from function _IELoadWait, Cannot register internal error handler, cannot trap COM errors (Use _IEErrorHandlerRegister() to register a user error handler)