HI, i start to learn autoit right now
I'm searching video tutorial online and it seems easy, but i have a problem.
I'm using ImageSearch.au3 and it's ok, but i want to search the same image many time until it there is no longer..
if I click the button "dona" and I give troops it hide. So, this is my source:
#include <ImageSearch.au3> $x = 0 $y = 0 #Region simple search #cs $res = _imagesearch('dona.png',1,$x,$y,100) If $res = 1 Then MouseMove($x,$y,100) MouseClick("left") Else MsgBox(0,'Info','richieste presenti') EndIf #ce #EndRegion #Region Search for more images with call waiting Dim $myPics[10] $myPics[0] = 2 $myPics[1] = 'dona.png' $myPics[2] = 'altre.png' $res = _WaitForImagesSearch($myPics,5,1,$x,$y,100) Switch $res Case 0 MsgBox(0,'','nessuno trovato') Case 1 For $i = 1 To 5 MsgBox(0,"Il Mio Primo Ciclo",$i) Next MouseMove($x,$y,100) MouseClick("left") MouseClick("left") ;MsgBox(0,'','donazione trovata') Case 2 MouseMove($x,$y,100) mouseclick("left") MsgBox(0,'','richieste trovate') EndSwitch
The problem is when there are 2 or more image "DONA"
How can i search every same image?
Thanks and sorry for my english. :-)