Hi all,
I have a Problem with my script and I am new to AutoIt. What I want:
1. go to excel
2. copy a cell
3. go to my program
4. TAB 26 times to an specific field
5. paste the cell
6. go to Excel and to the next cell
7. start again
/Code in the End/
So it is all working, but sometimes my Script or PC or whatever is jumping only 25 times. Sometimes it doesn´t jump at all.
It is not all the time. Sometimes after 10 loots the jumps are wrong, sometimes after 160 , sometime everything goes well. So I have no idea how to figer it out. And what can couse this.
Something with Thread/Memory management or other Prozesses or just someting wrong in the script that couse it to crush sometimes.
I can not cominiicate with my program, so i can´t ask for field IDs or something like that.
Also mouse is not recomended.
For wrong jumps and errors I am using Pixel CheckSums.
1. left, right, over and under the filed I want to paste someting in.
Maybe this is breaking the code in the rumetime ?
So here is my Script:
sleepTime100() ;Funktions for the Pixel Check Sums ;Checkt für ungültiges Kammando MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Ungültige Änderung! Ungültige Eingaben, SICLID bleibt hängen --> Fehler") ;Go to Excel sleepTime20() ;Copy active cell sleepTime20() ;Go to my Program sleepTime20() ;Safe the checksums ;my jump funktion jumpToUnion() ;HERE SOMETHING GOES WRONG DONT KNOW WHAT ;Paste the cell sleepTime100() ;new checksum for trying to jump out of the current page ;use my check funktions checkPixelUpDown() checkPixelWrongAction() checkPixelUnion() sleepTime20() checkPixelNextPage() ;Back to excel ;Go 1 cell down Next ;start the loop again
Thanks a lot for your time