Hey Guys,
has been a little while since using autoit, just wanting to check im not missing something here?
Or can i not use dircreate in a way like this... have a list of names, wanting to create folders from said list.
Also tried using serverpaths didnt work
error: (11) : ==> Error parsing function call.:
;;creating lots o folders! #include <Excel.au3> $oExcel = _Excel_Open() $wkbk = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel,"\\fbnecl3\inzb\Documents\Content Support\Tom\Automation\Autoit Test Scripts\foldernames.xlsx") For $i = 1 To 490 ;Loop $location = _Excel_RangeRead($wkbk, default,"a"&$i, 1) $name = _Excel_RangeRead($wkbk, default,"b"&$i, 1) dircreate("q:\Documents\HGIF\South Pac\"&$location&"\"&$name&"\" Next _Excel_Close($oExcel)