I'm currently having a small issue with my script. I'm automating the export of some files with a 3rd party application which lacks a decent way to script around.
The app works just fine, but after the 2nd or 3rd run, whole OS (I'm running this on Windows 7 inside VMWare) is slow as hell!
I tried adding sleep()'s all around just to give it time to catch up, but to no avail.
Can someone shed some light as to why this is happening? (My code to "allow the VM to catch up" doesn't really fix anything, even after that long pause, the VM is still slow as hell)
My code:
#NoTrayIcon #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Array.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Date.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Global $program = "C:\Program Files\Smart Player\Smart Player.exe" Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) Opt("SendKeyDelay", 25) Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) $count = 0 Func GetFile() $file = RecursiveFileSearch("Z:\Surv\_swap", "\.(dav)", ".", 1, True) If $file[0] > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("There are " & $file[0] & " files left" & @CRLF) Return $file[1] Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetFile Func _log($string) $time = _Date_Time_GetSystemTime() $time = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($time) ConsoleWrite("[" & $time & "] " & $string & @CRLF) Sleep(15) EndFunc ;==>_log Func ConvertFile($file) _log("Do: " & $file); If ProcessExists("Smart Player.exe") Then _log("Exit Program") ProcessClose("Smart Player.exe") EndIf _log("Run Program") Run($program & " " & $file) _log("Waiting for activation...") WinWaitActive("Smart Player") Sleep(500) _log("Closing preview...") ; close preview MouseMove(629, 83, 0) MouseClick("left", 629, 83, 1, 0) Sleep(50) MouseMove(627, 110, 50) Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 627, 110, 1, 0) ;ControlClick("Smart Player", "", "[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:119]", "left", 1, 296, 11) _log("Clicking export...") ; click to export ;MouseMove(336,36) Sleep(75) MouseClick("left", 336, 36, 1, 0) _log("Checkmark on the file") ; check file ;MouseMove(644, 157) Sleep(75) MouseClick("left", 644, 157, 1, 0) ; stopping preview ;MouseMove(184, 475) Sleep(150) ;MouseClick("left", 184, 475, 1, 0) ControlClick("Smart Player", "", "[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:32]") Sleep(1000) _log("Clicking on Format") ; click on format ;MouseMove(788, 442, 0) Sleep(500) ;MouseClick("left", 788, 442, 1, 0) ControlClick("Smart Player", "", "[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:11]") _log("Selecting AVI") ; Select AVI MouseMove(770, 538, 0) Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 770, 538, 1, 0) Sleep(250) _log("Exporting now...") ; Click EXPORT MouseMove(487, 544, 0) Sleep(250) MouseClick("left", 487, 544, 1, 10) ControlClick("Smart Player", "", "[CLASS:QWidget; INSTANCE:27]") ; get directory $dir = GetDir($file) _log("Typing Directory: " & $dir) ; type directory Sleep(2500) WinWaitActive("Find Directory") Send($dir & "{ENTER}") Sleep(15000) _log("Checking if there are JPG files in here") $findjpg = RecursiveFileSearch($dir, "\.(jpg)", ".", 1, False) If $findjpg[0] > 0 Then _log("Found JPG files... we failed :-(") ProcessClose("Smart Player.exe") FileChangeDir($dir) FileDelete("*.jpg") Sleep(1000) Return True EndIf _log("Waiting to finish export...") ; now waiting to finish export... WinWaitActive("[W:301; H:136]") _log("Clicking OK") ; clicking "OK" ;MouseMove(159, 111) Sleep(75) MouseClick("left", 159, 111, 1, 0) _log("Exit Program") ProcessClose("Smart Player.exe") Sleep(500) ;DONE $newfile = StringReplace($file, ".dav", ".done") _log("Moving file to: " & $newfile) FileMove($file, $newfile) _log("--- --- --- DONE --- --- --") EndFunc ;==>ConvertFile While True ConvertFile(GetFile()) Sleep(1000) $count = $count + 1 If $count >= 5 Then ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Allowing VM to catch up..." & @CRLF) Sleep(20000) $count = 0 EndIf WEnd Func GetDir($sFilePath) Local $aFolders = StringSplit($sFilePath, "\") Local $iArrayFoldersSize = UBound($aFolders) Local $FileDir = "" If (Not IsString($sFilePath)) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $aFolders = StringSplit($sFilePath, "\") $iArrayFoldersSize = UBound($aFolders) For $i = 1 To ($iArrayFoldersSize - 2) $FileDir &= $aFolders[$i] & "\" Next Return $FileDir EndFunc ;==>GetDir #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: WeaponX Updated: 2/21/08 Script Function: Recursive file search 2/21/08 - Added pattern for folder matching, flag for return type 1/24/08 - Recursion is now optional Parameters: RFSstartdir: Path to starting folder RFSFilepattern: RegEx pattern to match "\.(mp3)" - Find all mp3 files - case sensitive (by default) "(?i)\.(mp3)" - Find all mp3 files - case insensitive "(?-i)\.(mp3|txt)" - Find all mp3 and txt files - case sensitive RFSFolderpattern: "(Music|Movies)" - Only match folders named Music or Movies - case sensitive (by default) "(?i)(Music|Movies)" - Only match folders named Music or Movies - case insensitive "(?!(Music|Movies)\:)\b.+" - Match folders NOT named Music or Movies - case sensitive (by default) RFSFlag: Specifies what is returned in the array 0 - Files and folders 1 - Files only 2 - Folders only RFSrecurse: TRUE = Recursive, FALSE = Non-recursive RFSdepth: Internal use only #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func RecursiveFileSearch($RFSstartDir, $RFSFilepattern = ".", $RFSFolderpattern = ".", $RFSFlag = 0, $RFSrecurse = True, $RFSdepth = 0) ;Ensure starting folder has a trailing slash If StringRight($RFSstartDir, 1) <> "\" Then $RFSstartDir &= "\" If $RFSdepth = 0 Then ;Get count of all files in subfolders for initial array definition $RFSfilecount = DirGetSize($RFSstartDir, 1) ;File count + folder count (will be resized when the function returns) Global $RFSarray[$RFSfilecount[1] + $RFSfilecount[2] + 1] EndIf $RFSsearch = FileFindFirstFile($RFSstartDir & "*.*") If @error Then Return ;Search through all files and folders in directory While 1 $RFSnext = FileFindNextFile($RFSsearch) If @error Then ExitLoop ;If folder and recurse flag is set and regex matches If StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($RFSstartDir & $RFSnext), "D") Then If $RFSrecurse And StringRegExp($RFSnext, $RFSFolderpattern, 0) Then RecursiveFileSearch($RFSstartDir & $RFSnext, $RFSFilepattern, $RFSFolderpattern, $RFSFlag, $RFSrecurse, $RFSdepth + 1) If $RFSFlag <> 1 Then ;Append folder name to array $RFSarray[$RFSarray[0] + 1] = $RFSstartDir & $RFSnext $RFSarray[0] += 1 EndIf EndIf ElseIf StringRegExp($RFSnext, $RFSFilepattern, 0) And $RFSFlag <> 2 Then ;Append file name to array $RFSarray[$RFSarray[0] + 1] = $RFSstartDir & $RFSnext $RFSarray[0] += 1 EndIf WEnd FileClose($RFSsearch) If $RFSdepth = 0 Then ReDim $RFSarray[$RFSarray[0] + 1] Return $RFSarray EndIf EndFunc ;==>RecursiveFileSearch