This 'Select' element is on my bank account's page so I can't provide the url.
I found an example page at where, again, I can change the value of any dropdown but unable to fire/update the page. I've done many searches but never found a similar problem. Please point me in the right direction. Below is the html and what I have tried already.
I have tried the following:
#include <ie.au3> ; Any of these 3 methods work to select the 5th item "All Transactions" ;Nothing happens when I try any of the following $oSelect.fireEvent("onSelect") $oSelect.fireEvent("onselectstart") $oSelect.fireEvent("onchange") $oSelect.fireEvent("onclick") $oSelect.fireEvent("onmousedown") $oSelect.fireEvent("onmouseup") ;Submitting the form just refreshes the page with the defaults ;_IEFormSubmit($oForm)
<select name="StatementPeriodQuick" tabIndex="115" class="chaseanalytics-track-option" id="StatementPeriodQuick"><option value="SINCE_LAST_STATEMENT" data-pt-name="stmtquick_sincelaststmt">Since Last Statement</option> <option value="LAST_STATEMENT" data-pt-name="stmtquick_1monthsago">Statement Ending Mar 11, 2015</option> <option value="TWO_STATEMENTS_PRIOR" data-pt-name="stmtquick_2monthsago">Statement Ending Feb 11, 2015</option> <option value="THREE_STATEMENTS_PRIOR" data-pt-name="stmtquick_3monthsago">Statement Ending Jan 11, 2015</option> <option value="ALL" data-pt-name="stmtquick_all">All Transactions</option> </select>