Sorry for posting this here, the other board is being spam by some jerk so I'm posting this here temporarily
I'm trying to retrieve a snmp output from my router, I can do it using "snmpwalk 5.7.0" and "MIB Browser", so is not a problem with router configuration.
#include "snmp_UDF-v1.7.4.au3" Global $Port = 161 ; UDP 161 = SNMP port Global $SNMP_Version = 2 ; SNMP v2c (1 for SNMP v1) Global $SNMP_Community = "public" ; SNMPString(Community) (change it) Global $SNMP_ReqID = 1 Global $SNMP_Command Global $Start = 1 Global $result Global $Timeout_msec = 2500 UDPStartup() $Socket = UDPOpen('', $Port) $SNMP_Command = _SNMPBuildPacket('.', $SNMP_Community, $SNMP_Version, $SNMP_ReqID, "A0") UDPSend($Socket, $SNMP_Command) _StartListener() Sleep(200) UDPCloseSocket($Socket) UDPShutdown() Sleep(200) Exit Func _StartListener() If $Start = 1 Then $Timeout = TimerInit() While (1) $srcv = UDPRecv($Socket, 1200) If ($srcv <> "") Then $result = _ShowSNMPReceived($srcv) ConsoleWrite("received: " & $srcv &@LF) ;_ArrayDisplay($result) ExitLoop EndIf Sleep(100) If TimerDiff($Timeout) > $Timeout_msec Then ExitLoop EndIf WEnd EndIf EndFunc ;==>_StartListener Func OnAutoItExit() UDPCloseSocket($Socket) UDPShutdown() EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit
Request oid: .
Expected result: TP-LINK
Received: 0x3082002E02010104067075626C6963A282001F020101020100020100308200123082000E060A2B0001030601020101058000 [ascii: 0‚.public¢‚0‚0‚ +€]
what am I doing wrong here? There's other cleaner way of doing this, like _snmpGet(server,comunity, oid)?
thanks for your time :)
EDIT: So, there's an output when I use "A1" parameter (but not the correct one), but with A0 I returns 0 or something like that