Everytime is always hard for me to explain all the situation
So, i need to "monitor" a file download from a different software, example this file is called:
Of this file i know the original size, File1.exe, example it is 10MB
I'm using Adlib in this way:
AdlibRegister("_Monitor") Func __Monitor() Local Static $iStartingSize = 10000 ; 10MB, i'll change the value dinamically Local $iCurrentSize = FileGetSize("File1.exe.part") If $iCurrentSize <> $iPreviousSize Then $iPreviousSize = $iCurrentSize GUICtrlSetData($hProgress, Int($iCurrentSize / ($iStartingSize) * 100)) EndIf EndFunc ;==>__MonitorFile_Crypt
Until that work, i'm fill the progressbar at 100% and i know when is done using WinGetHandle of the original software for stopping it.
But with 1 file... but i have more than 1
Example if i have 4 file the progressbar need to fill at 100% only if all the files are download.
Pratically from 0 to 25% file 1, from 25% to 50% file 2 but always base this value on the real size of the file.
The question is, How to use GUICtrlSetData for partially fill the progressbar like from 0-25 25-50 instead of from 0 to 100% but always based on filesize?
If something is not clear...i can't post any code this time i don't know how to reproduce the script