I'd like my script to click 3 times at a defined coords in Photoshop but I just can't figure out how the syntax should look like.
This is how I wrote it but it doesn't work :/
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $Coordss = AskUser() MsgBox(0, "", $Coordss[0] & " " & $Coordss[1]) Func AskUser() MsgBox(262144, "User Input", "Please click the screen on a certain spot" & @CRLF & "Press OK, and then move your mouse there and click") Do Sleep(50) Until _IsPressed(01) $Coordss = MouseGetPos() ;MsgBox(0, "Thank You", "Your coords have been stored for later use") Return $Coordss EndFunc ;==>AskUser $Input = InputBox("InputBox", "Coords", $Coordss[0] &"," & $Coordss[1]) $aCoords = StringSplit($Input, ",", 2) Sleep(3000) ControlClick("[CLASS:Photoshop]","","","left",3,$aCoords[0],$aCoords[1])