I have this so far..
I need to delete some rows based on column value (like a permanent filter).. also that excelfilter function does not let me filter OUT certain values.. only matched values.... I'm blown away it is this hard, as far as I know a lot of people filter data by CSV on day to day basis...
Would a CSV parser do the trick?? it seemed to me it just changed it from (value,value,value) to ([value],[value]) or something like that. I found one somewhere in the autoit I can't find it anymore ugh... i always do this lol.
I have this so far..
#include <Excelwfilt.au3> $oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen("C:\Users\me\Downloads\report.csv") Local $sRangeOrRowStart = 1, $iColStart = 4, $iRowEnd = 2500, $iColEnd = 5, $sHorizAlign = "left" _ExcelRowDelete($oExcel, 1) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 2) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 3, 2) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 3) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 4) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 5) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 6, 5) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelColumnDelete($oExcel, 7, 5) ;Delete Column 1 and only delete 1 column _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "DAYS", 1,5) _ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, "LAST COMMUNICATION", 1,4) _ExcelHorizontalAlignSet($oExcel, $sRangeOrRowStart, $iColStart, $iRowEnd, $iColEnd, $sHorizAlign) ;_ExcelFilter($oExcel,1,2,3,"UNITED STATES")
I need to delete some rows based on column value (like a permanent filter).. also that excelfilter function does not let me filter OUT certain values.. only matched values.... I'm blown away it is this hard, as far as I know a lot of people filter data by CSV on day to day basis...
Would a CSV parser do the trick?? it seemed to me it just changed it from (value,value,value) to ([value],[value]) or something like that. I found one somewhere in the autoit I can't find it anymore ugh... i always do this lol.