The FileOpen help file gives these options:
[optional] Mode to open the file in.
Can be a combination of the following:
$FO_READ (0) = Read mode (default)
$FO_APPEND (1) = Write mode (append to end of file)
$FO_OVERWRITE (2) = Write mode (erase previous contents)
$FO_CREATEPATH (8) = Create directory structure if it doesn't exist (See Remarks).
and some more options.
But this simple code just doesn't work:
dim $hFileOpen
$hFileOpen = FileOpen ( "c:\test\test.txt", $FO_CREATEPATH )
If $hFileOpen = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when creating/opening the file.")
Return False
Is the FO_CREATEPATH mode not implementen? Found it weird nobody on the forum ever encountered this...