Can someone please tell me why this isnt working or how to get this particular part working?
After ending this loop: For $masterRe = 1 To UBound($masterArray) -1
This variable content dissapears: $queueM1
For example, this part does not work:
If $match1 = "Yes" And $queueM1 = "US_L1_Call Center System Alerts" Or $queueM1 = "US_L1_Customer Support System Alerts" And Not ($statusM1 = "RETAILER STATUS") Then
FileWrite($RF_Updates1, "Replace" & "," & $master_st & "," & $incidentID1 & "," & $incidentticket1 & "," & "Old Description" & "," & $descriptionM1 & "," & "New Description" & "," & $T_desc & @CRLF)
$dbday = StringReplace(_NowCalcDate(), "/", "-") $sFilePath_list_master = @ScriptDir & "\master.xls" $trendsreport = @ScriptDir & "\result-" & $dbday & ".csv" $RF_Updates= @ScriptDir & "\RF_Updates.csv" $RF_Updates1 = FileOpen($RF_Updates, 1) $RF_New = @ScriptDir & "\RF_New.csv" $RF_New1 = FileOpen($RF_New, 1) Local $masterExO = _Excel_Open() Local $masterEx = _Excel_BookOpen($masterExO, $sFilePath_list_master) Local $masterArray = _Excel_RangeRead($masterEx, Default, $masterEx.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("A:K"), 1, True) Local $trendArray _FileReadToArray($trendsreport, $trendArray) For $T = 2 To Ubound($trendArray) -1 $T1 = StringSplit($trendArray[$T], ",") $T_st = StringRight($T1[1], 8) $T_desc = $T1[8] Local $match1 = "No" For $masterRe = 1 To UBound($masterArray) -1 $incidentID1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][0] $incidentticket1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][1] $chainM1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][3] $queueM1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][10] $statusM1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][7] $descriptionM1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][5] $categoryM1 = $masterArray[$masterRe][6] $master_st = "" If Not ($chainM1 = "") Then $master_st = $masterArray[$masterRe][3] & "-" & $masterArray[$masterRe][4] ElseIf $chainM1 = "" And $queueM1 = "US_L1_Call Center System Alerts" Or $queueM1 = "US_L1_Customer Support System Alerts" Then $master_st = StringLeft($descriptionM1, 8) EndIf If $T_st = $master_st Then $match1 = "Yes" ; MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', $match1 & "-" & $T_st & "-" & $master_st ) EndIf ;If $queueM1= "US_L1_Call Center System Alerts" Or $queueM1 = "US_L1_Customer Support System Alerts" Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '1', $queueM1 & "-" & $match1 & "-" & $queueM1 & "-" & $statusM1 ) Next If $queueM1= "US_L1_Call Center System Alerts" Or $queueM1 = "US_L1_Customer Support System Alerts" Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '2', $queueM1 & $match1 & $master_st & "-" & $statusM1) ;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, '', $match1 & "-" & $queueM1 & "-" & $statusM1 ) If $match1 = "Yes" And $queueM1 = "US_L1_Call Center System Alerts" Or $queueM1 = "US_L1_Customer Support System Alerts" And Not ($statusM1 = "RETAILER STATUS") Then FileWrite($RF_Updates1, "Replace" & "," & $master_st & "," & $incidentID1 & "," & $incidentticket1 & "," & "Old Description" & "," & $descriptionM1 & "," & "New Description" & "," & $T_desc & @CRLF) EndIf If $match1 = "No" And Not ($master_st = "") Then FileWrite($RF_New1, $trendArray[$T] & @CRLF) EndIf ;_ArrayDisplay($masterArray) Next