i want know if its possible for this function to have a screenshot when the 5star.bmp is there? so maybe like right before IMR21()?
and also the screenshot shouldnt replace an exist screenshot?
i did find a this script from some1 else and was wondering if it possible to add the screenshot function to mine script? or im not sure how to go about it.
thanks for the help!
#cs AU3 Screen Shot Utility 1.0 Author : Solixious Klein #ce #include<WindowsConstants.au3> #include<GUIConstants.au3> #include<ScreenCapture.au3> init() Func init() Global $frame=GUICreate("AU3 Screen Shot Utility 1.0",300,100,200,200) GUISetIcon("icon.ico") TraySetIcon("icon.ico") Global $file=GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") Global $name=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Change Name",$file) Global $loc=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Storage Location",$file) Global $form=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Screenshot Format",$file) Global $exit=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit",$file) Global $help=GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") Global $about=GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About",$help) Global $lab=GUICtrlCreateLabel("Shift + F8 -------> Take Screen Shot" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Shift + F3 -------> Show or Hide this Window Frame",10,15) Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) Opt("TrayMenuMode", 1) Global $shw=TrayCreateItem("Show Frame") Global $capt=TrayCreateItem("Capture Screen Shot") Global $ex=TrayCreateItem("Exit") TrayItemSetOnEvent($shw,"show") TrayItemSetOnEvent($ex,"ex") TrayItemSetOnEvent($capt,"Cap") If FileExists("name.dat") Then Global $prename=FileRead("name.dat") If $prename="" Then $prename="Screen" EndIf Else Global $prename="Screen" EndIf If FileExists("loc.dat") Then Global $path=FileRead("loc.dat") If $path="" Then $path=@WorkingDir EndIf Else Global $path=@WorkingDir EndIf If FileExists("form.dat") Then Global $format=FileRead("form.dat") If $format="" Then $format="jpg" EndIf Else Global $format="jpg" EndIf HotKeySet("+{F3}","show") HotKeySet("+{F8}","Cap") While 1 $event=GUIGetMsg() If $event=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $event=$exit Then Exit ElseIf $event=$GUI_EVENT_MINIMIZE Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$frame) HotKeySet("+{F3}","hide") TrayItemSetState($shw,64) ElseIf $event=$loc Then $p=FileSelectFolder("Open Location","",1+2+4,FileRead("loc.dat")) If $p<>"" Then $f=FileOpen("loc.dat",2+8) FileWrite($f,$p) $path=$p EndIf ElseIf $event=$name Then $x=InputBox("New Name","Enter the file name",FileRead("name.dat")) If $x<>"" Then $f=FileOpen("name.dat",2+8) FileWrite($f,$x) $prename=$x EndIf ElseIf $event=$form Then $o=InputBox("Format","jpg / bmp / gif / tif / png",FileRead("form.dat")) $o=StringLower($o) If $o="jpg" Or $o="bmp" Or $o="gif" Or $o="tif" Or $o="png" Then $f=FileOpen("form.dat",2+8) FileWrite($f,$o) $format=$o EndIf ElseIf $event=$about Then MsgBox(0,"About","Screen Shot Utility 1.0" & @CRLF & "Author : Solixious" & @CRLF & "Date of Creation : 10th October, 2012") EndIf WEnd EndFunc Func show() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$frame) HotKeySet("+{F3}","hide") TrayItemSetState($shw,128) EndFunc Func hide() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$frame) HotKeySet("+{F3}","show") TrayItemSetState($shw,64) EndFunc Func Cap() $fname=getname() $c=_ScreenCapture_Capture() _ScreenCapture_SaveImage($fname,$c,True) EndFunc Func ex() Exit EndFunc Func getname() $i=1 While FileExists($path & "\" & $prename & " " & $i & "." & $format) $i=$i+1 WEnd Return $path & "\" & $prename & " " & $i & "." & $format EndFunc