Hi coders,
Hi Melba23 ,
I have got a string (a href) "index.php?app=core&module=global"
all I need to do is assign php variables to autoit variables like
$app = "core" $module = "global"
To get rid of string parts which I don't need, I tried to use function StringRegExpReplace but I got the following issue (as seen below the code):
StringRegExpReplace($sInput, "index.php?", "")
this should replace "index.php?" with nothing, but there is a logical operator "?" which remains untouched by the function.
I didn't find any help about ignoring logical operators so I tried some things and I found that [?] makes ? ignore.
StringRegExpReplace($sInput, "index.php[?]", "")
so this works (the function returns "" (nothing), that's what I need)
Is that the right way to do it, though?