here is the html code of the web page
<input onkeypress="EnterKeyLeaves(,event);" onblur="LeaveTextBox(, 'tblARecords_0_hlPointsto', 'tblARecords_0', 'arecord', 'data', 'tblARecords_0_pointstotd', 'Points to');" onfocus="CheckForSameRow('tblARecords_0');" onclick="ARecordNoEdit=true;" onchange="ARecordChange('tblARecords0hdnRecModified', 'tblARecords_0', 0, '0');" style="width: 400px; display: none;" id="tblARecords_0_txtPointsto" value="" name="tblARecords_0_txtPointsto" type="text">
im trying to change the value=""
id = "tblARecords_0_txtPointsto"
how would i change the value ive tryed to submit it has a form but with no joy
please any help would be helpful
its a table input
thanks rob
If $oForm.action <> "0" And Not StringInStr($oForm.action, '.php') Then ;submit _IEFormSubmit($oForm, 0) _IELoadWait($oIE) $gotourl1 = GUICtrlRead ( $URL1 ) _IENavigate($oIE,$gotourl1) Local $dnsinputform = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "form1") Local $dnsinputbox = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($dnsinputform, "tblARecords_0_hlPointsto") _IEFormElementSetValue($dnsinputbox, $ip ,1) MsgBox(1,"new ip just ip call",$ip,2) $newvalue =_IEFormElementgetValue($dnsinputbox) MsgBox(1,"new value set",$dnsinputbox,2) _IEQuit($oIE) guictrlsetdata ($oldip,$ip)
now i set this up as if its a form but it not a form it a table and i need a little help please
<code from firefox under focus code tag>
<td id="tblARecords_0_pointstotd" class="datacell OneLinkNoTx" align="left"> <input id="tblARecords0hdnPreviousPointsto" value=""
i just need tho change the value
thanks rob