I was looking for a multi threading Ping and found this post (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/106354-threaded-ping/?p=766946&hl=ping%20thread&fromsearch=1#entry766946) from Fr0zt.
His Ping in assembly is impressive (adapted from the trancexx's and monoceres work http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/95510-execute-in-a-different-thread/).
#include <Memory.au3> #include <Array.au3> Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") Global Const $DONT_FRAGMENT = 2, $IP_SUCCESS = 0, $IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE = 11002, $IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE = 11003, $IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE = 11004, $IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE = 11005, _ $IP_NO_RESOURCES = 11006, $IP_HW_ERROR = 11008, $IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG = 11009, $IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT = 11010, $IP_BAD_REQ = 11011, $IP_BAD_ROUTE = 11012, _ $IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT = 11013, $IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM = 11014, $IP_PARAM_PROBLEM = 11015, $IP_SOURCE_QUENCH = 11016, $IP_BAD_DESTINATION =11018, _ $IP_GENERAL_FAILURE = 11050, $NO_STATUS = 10000 ;We will use 10000 as the no status indicator since 0 meens successful reply Local $hPointers = DllStructCreate("ptr IcmpCloseHandle;ptr IcmpSendEcho;ptr IcmpCreateFile;ptr ExitThread") Global $hkernel32Dll = DllOpen("kernel32.dll") Global $hKrn = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll") DllStructSetData($hPointers,"ExitThread",GetProcAddress($hKrn, "ExitThread")) Global $hICMPDll = LibLoad("ICMP.dll");Iphlpapi.dll") DllStructSetData($hPointers,"IcmpCloseHandle",GetProcAddress($hICMPDll, "IcmpCloseHandle")) DllStructSetData($hPointers,"IcmpSendEcho",GetProcAddress($hICMPDll, "IcmpSendEcho")) DllStructSetData($hPointers,"IcmpCreateFile",GetProcAddress($hICMPDll, "IcmpCreateFile")) TCPStartup() ;This is required, not only to do DNS lookup, but also for WSAStartup() Global $pings[1] = [0] ;This array will hold all echo reply data in a struct. ConsoleWrite("Press esc any time to stop" & @CRLF) pingThreaded("www.google.ca") pingThreaded("www.asus.com.tw") Local $pingdata = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Local $timeout = 150 Local $ttl = 255 pingThreaded("www.autoitscript.com", $timeout, $pingdata, $ttl, $DONT_FRAGMENT) While 1 _managePings() WEnd ;Function pingThreaded ;$ip_addr will accept valid DNS Name or Normal IP address. ;Timouts only really work when an IP isn't responding. Thats important to remember because if you think you can timeout an IP which has latent responces, you can't! Func pingThreaded($ip_addr, $timeout=5000, $data="x", $ttl=255, $flags=0) Local $hexIP = encodeIP($ip_addr) If $hexIP == 0 Then Return 0 Local $pingID = _addPing($ip_addr) If IsNumber($ttl) = 0 Or Number($ttl) > 255 Then $ttl = 255 If IsNumber($timeout) = 0 Or Number($timeout) > 5000 Then $timeout = 5000 If StringLen($data) > 256 Then $data = StringTrimRight($data,StringLen($data) - 256) If IsNumber($flags) = 0 Or Number($flags) > 2 Then $flags = 2 DllStructSetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize",StringLen($data)) ;We may wish to report the data size later ;Props to trancexx Local $CodeBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[696]"); Code=154, Data=256, Echo reply Struct + ICMP_OPTIONS Struct = 286 Local $RemoteCode = _MemVirtualAlloc(0, DllStructGetSize($CodeBuffer), $MEM_COMMIT, $PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) DllStructSetData($CodeBuffer, 1, _ "0x" & _ ;Original Assembly started at 401000 "E889000000" & _ ;Call 0040108E <IcmpCreateFile> "A3" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 410) & _ ;mov dword ptr [00403010], eax <hIcmp = IcmpCreateFile Handle> "C605" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 418) & Hex($ttl,2) & _ ;mov byte ptr [00403024], xx <TTL> "C605" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 419) & "00" & _ ;mov byte ptr [00403025], 00 <TOS> "C605" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 420) & Hex($flags,2) & _ ;mov byte ptr [00403026], 02 <Flags, 0x02=DF Bit Set> "C605" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 421) & "00" & _ ;mov byte ptr [00403027], 00 "C705" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 422) & "00000000" & _ ;mov dword ptr [00403028], 00000000 "68" & SwapEndian(Dec(Hex($timeout,4))) & _ ;push 0000xxxx <Timeout> "681E010000" & _ ;push 0000011E <Size of Echo reply Struct + ICMP_OPTIONS Struct> "68" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 426) & _ ;push 0040302C <icmpReply> "68" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 418) & _ ;push 00403024 <icmpOptions> "6A" & Hex(StringLen($data),2) & _ ;push 000000xx <Data Size> "68" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 154) & _ ;push 00403000 <Data> "68" & SwapEndian(Dec($hexIP)) & _ ;push <Hex(IP ADDRESS)> "FF35" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 410) & _ ;push dword ptr [00403010] <hIcmp> "E839000000" & _ ;Call 00401094 <IcmpSendEcho> "A1" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 434) & _ ;mov eax, dword ptr [00403034] <Get the ms responce time from icmpReply.RoundTripTime> "A3" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($pings[$pingID],"reply")) & _ ;mov dword ptr [0040301C], eax <Store the ms responce time> "A1" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 430) & _ ;mov eax, dword ptr [00403030] <Get the status from icmpReply.Status> "A3" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($pings[$pingID],"status")) & _ ;mov dword ptr [00403020], eax <Store the status> "FF35" & SwapEndian($RemoteCode + 410) & _ ;push dword ptr [00403010] <hIcmp> "E80E000000" & _ ;Call 00401088 <IcmpCloseHandle> "6A00" & _ ;push 00000000 "E801000000" & _ ;Call 00401082 <ExitThread> "CC" & _ ;int 03 "FF25" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($hPointers,"ExitThread")) & _ ;JMP dword ptr <kernel32.ExitThread> "FF25" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($hPointers,"IcmpCloseHandle")) & _ ;JMP dword ptr <ICMP.IcmpCloseHandle> "FF25" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($hPointers,"IcmpCreateFile")) & _ ;JMP dword ptr <ICMP.IcmpCreateFile> "FF25" & SwapEndian(DllStructGetPtr($hPointers,"IcmpSendEcho"))& _ ;JMP dword ptr <ICMP.IcmpSendEcho> SwapEndian(StringToBinary($data)) _ ;This is our ping Data, Max 256 bytes of space here. ) _MemMoveMemory(DllStructGetPtr($CodeBuffer), $RemoteCode, DllStructGetSize($CodeBuffer)) Local $aCall = DllCall($hkernel32Dll, "ptr", "CreateThread", "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "ptr", $RemoteCode, "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "dword*", 0) Return $aCall[0] EndFunc ;Function _addPing is just for array management of the $pings[] array. Func _addPing($ip_addr) $pings[0] = UBound($pings) ReDim $pings[$pings[0]+1] $pings[$pings[0]] = DllStructCreate("char ip[" & StringLen($ip_addr) & "];ulong reply;ulong status;int datasize");You could add a timeout struct here DllStructSetData($pings[$pings[0]],"ip",$ip_addr) DllStructSetData($pings[$pings[0]],"status",$NO_STATUS) Return $pings[0] EndFunc ;Function _removePing is just for array management of the $pings[] array. Func _removePing($pingID) If $pingID > $pings[0] Then Return ;Ensure our ID is valid $pings[$pingID] = 0 ;Free the DLLStruct _ArrayDelete($pings,$pingID) $pings[0] -= 1 EndFunc ;Function _managePings() ;This is where the reply's get sorted out, and actions taken Func _managePings() Local $pingID, $status $pingID = 1 While $pingID <= $pings[0] $status = DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"status") If $status <> $NO_STATUS Then Switch $status Case $IP_SUCCESS If DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"reply") = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " replied in <1ms" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " replied in " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"reply") & "ms" & @CRLF) EndIf Case $IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " timed-out" & @CRLF) Case $IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The destination network was unreachable." & @CRLF) Case $IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The destination host was unreachable." & @CRLF) Case $IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The destination protocol was unreachable." & @CRLF) Case $IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The destination port was unreachable." & @CRLF) Case $IP_NO_RESOURCES ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " Insufficient IP resources were available." & @CRLF) Case $IP_HW_ERROR ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A hardware error occurred." & @CRLF) Case $IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The packet was too big." & @CRLF) Case $IP_BAD_REQ ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A bad request." & @CRLF) Case $IP_BAD_ROUTE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A bad route." & @CRLF) Case $IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The time to live (TTL) expired in transit." & @CRLF) Case $IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " The time to live expired during fragment reassembly." & @CRLF) Case $IP_PARAM_PROBLEM ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A parameter problem." & @CRLF) Case $IP_SOURCE_QUENCH ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " Datagrams are arriving too fast to be processed and datagrams may have been discarded." & @CRLF) Case $IP_BAD_DESTINATION ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A bad destination." & @CRLF) Case $IP_GENERAL_FAILURE ConsoleWrite("Ping with " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"datasize") & " byte(s) to " & DllStructGetData($pings[$pingID],"ip") & " A general failure. This error can be returned for some malformed ICMP packets or lost network connection." & @CRLF) EndSwitch _removePing($pingID) EndIf ; You may wish to include a feature which can timeout manually here. Just remember if you do that, do not destroy the dllstruct for the ping ; because likelly the ping thread will still write to it when it's done. You will have to wait for that to happen before you destroy it. $pingID += 1 WEnd EndFunc Func encodeIP($ip_addr) Local $ip_addr_temp = $ip_addr If Not _isIP($ip_addr) Then $ip_addr = TCPNameToIP($ip_addr) If Not _isIP($ip_addr) Then ConsoleWrite($ip_addr_temp & " is not a valid IP Address. If you supplied a hostname ensure DNS is available." & @CRLF) Return 0 EndIf Return getHexIP($ip_addr) EndFunc Func getHexIP($ip_addr) Return Hex(_getIPOctet($ip_addr,4),2) & Hex(_getIPOctet($ip_addr,3),2) & Hex(_getIPOctet($ip_addr,2),2) & Hex(_getIPOctet($ip_addr,1),2) EndFunc Func LibLoad($lpLibFileName) Local $LibHandle = DllCall($hkernel32Dll, "int", "LoadLibraryA", "str", $lpLibFileName) Return $LibHandle[0] EndFunc Func LibFree($DllHandle) Local $LibFreed = DllCall($hkernel32Dll, "int", "FreeLibrary", "int", $DllHandle) return $LibFreed[0] EndFunc Func GetProcAddress( $hModule, $lpProcName) Local $ProcessAddy = DllCall($hkernel32Dll,"int","GetProcAddress","int",$hModule,"str",$lpProcName) Return $ProcessAddy[0] EndFunc Func SwapEndian($hex) ;trancexx Return Hex(Binary($hex)) EndFunc Func _getIPOctet($ip_addr,$octet=1) Switch $octet Case 1 Return Int(StringMid($ip_addr,1,StringInStr($ip_addr,"."))) Case 4 Return Int(StringMid($ip_addr,StringInStr($ip_addr,".",0,3)+1)) Case Else Return Int(StringMid($ip_addr,StringInStr($ip_addr,".",0,$octet - 1)+1,StringInStr($ip_addr,".",0,$octet)+1)) EndSwitch EndFunc Func _isIP($text) Return StringRegExp($text, "(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9][0-9])|([1-9]?[0-9]))\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9][0-9])|([1-9]?[0-9]))") EndFunc Func _Exit() TCPShutdown() LibFree($hICMPDll) DllClose($hkernel32Dll) Exit EndFunc
I tryed it with HOSTNAMES (instead of ip addresses) from my network.
But when the computer is offline, the script is pretty slow. It comes from the TCPNameToIP() function and, I suppose, the getaddrinfo Windows function behind.
It seems there is no timeout parameter to pass to this function. So my question is : Is there a way to add a timeout ?