I am not looking for any code here, just want to see if the method I am thinking about using makes sense.
The situation:
I have 800+ plus customers that have a list of navigation charts they have purchased from us for use with our software. In each customer's account, there is a text file that lists the charts they own. I need to take this information and create a list of charts with the number of vessels that own that chart.
For example, Vessel A has chart number 12345. Vessel B has chart 54321. Vessel C has chart 12345, 54321,11111. At then end of processing I want to generate a report like this:
Chart Number Number of owners
11111 1
12345 2
54321 2
My plan
Create a 2d array consisting of all possible chart numbers (ChartNo, number of owners)
Create an array of the chartlist of a vessel
Compare the chartlist array with the all possible charts array, where there are matchs, incurment all possible (number of owners) for that chart number by one.
Does this make sense or should I be looking a different method.