Hi guys, this script:
You need MouseOnEventUDF
Work fine like .au3
Work fine like .exe
Not work if i'll try to obfuscate, this is the output:
I don't know if it is a Obfuscator bug or a UDF bug, anyway there is a incompatibility between Obfuscator and MouseSetOnEvent
[ autoit ]
#include <MouseOnEvent.au3> ;External UDF #NoTrayIcon Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ShellExecute("notepad.exe") Global $bPaused = 0 Global $Flag = True While 1 If WinActive("[CLASS:Notepad]") And $Flag Then _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELDOWN_EVENT, "_WheelPressed", 0, 1) $Flag = False EndIf If Not ProcessExists("notepad.exe") Then _Exit() EndIf WEnd Func _WheelPressed() Send("Test") EndFunc ;==>_Remapping_WHEELDOWN Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit
You need MouseOnEventUDF
Work fine like .au3
Work fine like .exe
Not work if i'll try to obfuscate, this is the output:
-### Obfuscation Error: Found DllCallbackRegister() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: _Timer_SetTimer C:\Programmi\AutoIt3\include\Timers.au3(275,1) Warning for line:$hCallBack = DllCallbackRegister($sTimerFunc, "none", "hwnd;int;uint_ptr;dword") -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(341,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1], $iEvent, $a__MSOE_Events[$i][4]) -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(344,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1], $iEvent) -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(347,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1]) -############################################################################################# -#### Obfuscator Found 4 Error(s)!!!! This means your script could have problems running properly. #### -############################################################################################# +> Obfuscator v1.0.29.5 finished obfuscating 4112 lines, stripped 7916 comment lines. created:C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\TestScript_Obfuscated.au3
I don't know if it is a Obfuscator bug or a UDF bug, anyway there is a incompatibility between Obfuscator and MouseSetOnEvent