Several years back someone wrote an API for Tesseract
As great as that UDF is it is just a screen scraping UDF (that I'm pretty sure has memory leaks). I have very high resolution images (that I am hoping will help increase the accuracy) that I would like to read but I would like to read them directly from a file. Effectivly my program will save a .tiff (or some other format, will play around to see what has higher accuracy) open up Tesseract and read the .txt file that it creates.
I believe you can call Tesseract via an API call with the image path in the parameter. Tesseract than creates a .txt file in the same directory (with the same name). I looked over the UDF and this seems to be happening but I am unable to get this thing to run.
I have never really used parameters in execuables like this and was hoping someone could lend me a hand figuring it out.. I was hoping it would be as easy as...
But alas it is not.
As great as that UDF is it is just a screen scraping UDF (that I'm pretty sure has memory leaks). I have very high resolution images (that I am hoping will help increase the accuracy) that I would like to read but I would like to read them directly from a file. Effectivly my program will save a .tiff (or some other format, will play around to see what has higher accuracy) open up Tesseract and read the .txt file that it creates.
I believe you can call Tesseract via an API call with the image path in the parameter. Tesseract than creates a .txt file in the same directory (with the same name). I looked over the UDF and this seems to be happening but I am unable to get this thing to run.
I have never really used parameters in execuables like this and was hoping someone could lend me a hand figuring it out.. I was hoping it would be as easy as...
ShellExecuteWait(@ProgramFilesDir & "\tesseract\tesseract.exe", "C:\OCRTEST.TIF C:\OCRTEST")
But alas it is not.