Hello, Everybody
I found StringRegExp got something wrong on XP...
It appeared error msg..
Subscript used with non-Array variable..
But it can run normally on my x64 win7 system...
Very simple code..
But cannot run on XP system..
But It can run normally on my computer..
I found StringRegExp got something wrong on XP...
It appeared error msg..
Subscript used with non-Array variable..
But it can run normally on my x64 win7 system...
[ autoit ]
#include <IE.au3> $oHTTP = _IECreate("http://invoice.etax.nat.gov.tw/", 0, 0, 1, 0) $HTMLSource = _IEDocReadHTML($oHTTP) $open = FileOpen("test.txt",1) FileWrite("test.txt",$HTMLSource) FileClose($open) _IEQuit($oHTTP) $getDate = StringRegExp(FileRead("test.txt"), '<h2>(.*?)</h2>', 3) MsgBox(0,"",$getDate[0])
Very simple code..
But cannot run on XP system..
But It can run normally on my computer..