I need some help with pixel search and TimerInit
here's what i got so far:
TimerInit ()
while ( false )
$pixel = PixelSearch(0, 0, 1358, 727, 0x8B4847)
if IsArray($pixel) = True Then
MouseMove ($pixel [0], $pixel [1], 1)
TimerDiff ( 5000 )
its supposed to keep searching for 5 seconds or in-till it finds the pixel i'm not sure how to use TimerInit though i don't think i'm using it right i searched through the help file and these forums but i didn't find anything that could help me.I also need help with screen capture
here's what i have:
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Image.jpg", 171, 256, 950, 712)
i need it to name the file differently each time my script loops so add a number after it or something but i don't know how.
and is there something that can search for a picture on the screen like pixel search but for an image?
here's what i got so far:
TimerInit ()
while ( false )
$pixel = PixelSearch(0, 0, 1358, 727, 0x8B4847)
if IsArray($pixel) = True Then
MouseMove ($pixel [0], $pixel [1], 1)
TimerDiff ( 5000 )
its supposed to keep searching for 5 seconds or in-till it finds the pixel i'm not sure how to use TimerInit though i don't think i'm using it right i searched through the help file and these forums but i didn't find anything that could help me.I also need help with screen capture
here's what i have:
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Image.jpg", 171, 256, 950, 712)
i need it to name the file differently each time my script loops so add a number after it or something but i don't know how.
and is there something that can search for a picture on the screen like pixel search but for an image?