im trying to use _INETGETSOURCE to get the source of a page that is inside a password encrypted page i have my password to use the site and usernae and so on but im having trouble finding a work around for getting the source
my goal is to copy the source to a text file, then parse the source for information about the items on the page IE - product weight, price, stock quanity, ect
can someone suggest some reading i could do my self in order to learn how to do this?
or TEACH me how to do it. i want to learn how to do it so i understand how it works and can reproduce the code for another site or another page.... id like to learn it better, so i get better using autoit
this is the code im using right now
my goal is to copy the source to a text file, then parse the source for information about the items on the page IE - product weight, price, stock quanity, ect
can someone suggest some reading i could do my self in order to learn how to do this?
or TEACH me how to do it. i want to learn how to do it so i understand how it works and can reproduce the code for another site or another page.... id like to learn it better, so i get better using autoit
this is the code im using right now
[ autoit ]
#include Inet.au3 local $s_URL = "" local $source = _INetGetSource($s_URL) Run("notepad.exe") WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") Send($source)