Sorry for my english....
I have no knowledge in this domain, ca made 2 hours that I look for your forum, I nevertheless need something who adorned me simple in the end it is difficult, somebody could help me please?
I need a keyboard shortcut:
When i tape F12 (or another), copy to clipboard (and paste directly if possible) a random line of a text file.
It's a simple txt files with one email adress on each line, it is for inserer an e-mail address differente has every time of the web forms
$filename = "C:\Users\cakissimo\Desktop\email.txt"
$randomLines = Random(1,1)
Obviously this do not work, it is difficult without notion....
Sorry for my english....
I have no knowledge in this domain, ca made 2 hours that I look for your forum, I nevertheless need something who adorned me simple in the end it is difficult, somebody could help me please?
I need a keyboard shortcut:
When i tape F12 (or another), copy to clipboard (and paste directly if possible) a random line of a text file.
It's a simple txt files with one email adress on each line, it is for inserer an e-mail address differente has every time of the web forms
$filename = "C:\Users\cakissimo\Desktop\email.txt"
$randomLines = Random(1,1)
Obviously this do not work, it is difficult without notion....