want to know if there is a way to recognize sound froum the Audio Device.
i found here:
a small program with something i need..
so i changed the code to this:
the only thing that i need is the $peak variable.
i still didn't ccleened the code perfectly but i will do this aftar i will get what i want..
the only problam is that the $peak variable give the number of the sound that out frome the microphone and not from the Speakers.
i just need that it will give it from the Speakers...
how to do this?
want to know if there is a way to recognize sound froum the Audio Device.
i found here:
a small program with something i need..
so i changed the code to this:
#include <BassEnc.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiComboBox.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Global $device, $input, $EncHandle, $RecHandle, $Bitrate = 128, $KHZ = 44100, $levels, $levelL = 0, $levelR = 0, $temp, $EncState = False $bass_dll = DllOpen("BASS.dll") $bassenc_dll = DllOpen("BASSENC.dll") $basscb_dll = DllOpen("BASSCB.dll") ;_BASS_SetConfig($bass_dll, $BASS_CONFIG_REC_BUFFER, 1000) $device = _GetDevices() $test = _BASS_RecordInit($bass_dll, $device) $RecHandle = _BASS_RecordStart(44100, 2, 0, $BASS_EXT_RecordProc) $timer = TimerInit() While 1 Sleep(20) $peak = _BASS_ChannelGetLevel($bass_dll,$RecHandle) ToolTip( $peak) WEnd Func _GetDevices() Local $count = 0, $info, $name = "", $sdef = "", $idef = 0 While 1 $info = _BASS_RecordGetDeviceInfo($bass_dll, $count) If @error Then ExitLoop $count += 1 If BitAND($info[2], $BASS_DEVICE_ENABLED) Then $name &= $info[0] & "|" If BitAND($info[2], $BASS_DEVICE_DEFAULT) Then $sdef = $info[0] $idef = $count EndIf WEnd Return $idef - 1 EndFunc Func _Exit() If _BASS_Encode_IsActive($bass_dll, $bassenc_dll, $EncHandle) Then _BASS_Encode_Stop($bass_dll, $bassenc_dll, $EncHandle) _BASS_RecordFree($bass_dll) Exit EndFunc
the only thing that i need is the $peak variable.
i still didn't ccleened the code perfectly but i will do this aftar i will get what i want..
the only problam is that the $peak variable give the number of the sound that out frome the microphone and not from the Speakers.
i just need that it will give it from the Speakers...
how to do this?