Two .txt files:
Exmaple of first txt
Second txt:
So what I want is to find these code dublicates and from 2 lines make only 1 in new txt. For example firstly I check 424242424242:text and compare few hundrets of other file lines till I find 424242424242. When I find output in new txt should be 424242424242:text |empty space or any symbol| user:424242424242:emailt:address. Better would be without that code. And if same code wasnt found then go for 3423434322311:text ....
What I already tried.
Exmaple of first txt
424242424242:text 3423434322311:text 2133245345344:text 5443322134566:text 65432345322344:text And so on
Second txt:
user:65432345422344:email:address user:424242424242:emailt:address user:43324567534:email:address And so on
So what I want is to find these code dublicates and from 2 lines make only 1 in new txt. For example firstly I check 424242424242:text and compare few hundrets of other file lines till I find 424242424242. When I find output in new txt should be 424242424242:text |empty space or any symbol| user:424242424242:emailt:address. Better would be without that code. And if same code wasnt found then go for 3423434322311:text ....
What I already tried.
[ autoit ]
#include <FileConstants.au3> #include <array.au3> Global $hashpw1 = FileOpen("txtfile1.txt", 0) global $hasemail1 = FileOpen("txtfile2.txt", 0) Global $hOutPutFile = FileOpen("output.txt", $FO_OVERWRITE) While 1 $hashpw = FileReadLine($hashpw1) For $i = 1 to 6000 ;Im not sure for this loop. I need to check ALL lines so maybe I should use _FileCountLines() ? $hasemail = FileReadLine($hasemail1) $aSplit1 = StringSplit($hasemail, ":") If StringInStr(StringMid($hashpw,1,32),$aSplit1) Then MsgBox(0,"","found?") FileWriteLine($hOutPutFile,$hashpw&" "&$hasemail) EndIf Next WEnd FileClose($hashpw1) FileClose($hasemail1) FileClose($hOutPutFile)