I would never claim to be great at AutoIt but will Google and tinker until I get my script working.
Today after 5 hours of frusteration I finally created an account on this awesome board for help...
I need to launch a vbs file with a modifier (not sure if that's the right terminology).
From the run command when I put CopyMembership.vbs "username1" "username2" it runs the vbs which references the 2 provided usernames.
The only way I can incorporate running this script is popping open a Run Window and 'send'ing the complied text and running.
It's tacky and I'd like to Run/Shell Execute it.
Here's the code that works but is ugly:
I would love to have something like:
I even tried compiling the path into a variable with no launching luck (the notepad is just for troubleshooting and verification of the path being legit)
This may be a case where I don't know the terminology or maybe a limitation?
Thanks a gazillion in advance for any help in advance and I apoligize if my code is yucky,
Today after 5 hours of frusteration I finally created an account on this awesome board for help...
I need to launch a vbs file with a modifier (not sure if that's the right terminology).
From the run command when I put CopyMembership.vbs "username1" "username2" it runs the vbs which references the 2 provided usernames.
The only way I can incorporate running this script is popping open a Run Window and 'send'ing the complied text and running.
It's tacky and I'd like to Run/Shell Execute it.
Here's the code that works but is ugly:
FileCopy ("\\Shcsd.sharp.com\sharp\soc\groups\ISD Common\.TemporaryItems\CopyMembership.vbs", "C:\Temp\") Sleep (2000) Local $CopiedFrom = InputBox ( "Membership Copy", "Please enter the username of the user you are copying FROM", "", "") Local $CopyTo = InputBox ( "Membership Copy", "Please enter the username of the user you are copying TO", "", "") $OKorCancel = MsgBox ( 1, "Please verify", $CopyTo &" will get " & $CopiedFrom & "'s groups" ) Switch $OKorCancel Case 2 FileDelete ("C:\Temp\CopyMembership.vbs") MsgBox (16, "HALT!", "Cancelled by user") Exit Case 1 Send ( "#r" ) WinWait ("Run") Sleep (300) Send ("C:\Temp\CopyMembership.vbs " &'"' &$CopiedFrom & '" ' &'"' &$CopyTo &'"') Send ("{TAB}{ENTER}") Exit EndSwitch Exit
I would love to have something like:
FileCopy ("\\Shcsd.sharp.com\sharp\soc\groups\ISD Common\.TemporaryItems\CopyMembership.vbs", "C:\Temp\") Sleep (2000) Local $CopiedFrom = InputBox ( "Membership Copy", "Please enter the username of the user you are copying FROM", "", "") Local $CopyTo = InputBox ( "Membership Copy", "Please enter the username of the user you are copying TO", "", "") $OKorCancel = MsgBox ( 1, "Please verify", $CopyTo &" will get " & $CopiedFrom & "'s groups" ) Switch $OKorCancel Case 2 FileDelete ("C:\Temp\CopyMembership.vbs") MsgBox (16, "HALT!", "Cancelled by user") Exit Case 1 ShellExecute ("C:\Temp\CopyMembership.vbs " &'"' &$CopiedFrom & '" ' &'"' &$CopyTo &'"') Exit EndSwitch Exit
I even tried compiling the path into a variable with no launching luck (the notepad is just for troubleshooting and verification of the path being legit)
FileCopy ("\\Shcsd.sharp.com\sharp\soc\groups\ISD Common\.TemporaryItems\CopyMembership.vbs", "C:\Temp\") Local $CopiedFrom = "polzo" Local $CopyTo = "polza" Local $Path = "C:\Temp\CopyMembership.vbs " &'"' &$CopiedFrom & '" ' &'"' &$CopyTo &'"' WinActivate ("Untitled - Notepad") Send ($Path) Sleep (2000) Send ("{SHIFTDOWN}{HOME}{SHIFTUP}") Sleep (200) Send ("{DEL}") ShellExecute ($Path) ;or something like that, I've tried dozens of combinations Exit
This may be a case where I don't know the terminology or maybe a limitation?
Thanks a gazillion in advance for any help in advance and I apoligize if my code is yucky,