I just installed Internet Explorer 10 on Windows 7.
When viewing Autoit Forum, the window is not refreshed after pressing {Backspace}
I have to press F5 to see the updated window.
I made a little circumvention:
Is there a better solution or fix ?
When viewing Autoit Forum, the window is not refreshed after pressing {Backspace}
I have to press F5 to see the updated window.
I made a little circumvention:
[ autoit ]
If Not HotKeySet("{BACKSPACE}", "_Hotkey") Then Exit MsgBox(16 + 262144, "Hotkeyset Error","Hotkey {BACKSPACE} already set.") Func _Hotkey() HotKeySet("{BACKSPACE}") Send("{BACKSPACE}") HotKeySet("{BACKSPACE}", "_Hotkey") If (WinActive("[REGEXPTITLE:AutoIt Forums]")) Then Send("{F5}") EndFunc ;==>_Hotkey While Sleep(999999999) WEnd
Is there a better solution or fix ?