I have 2 questions
1.My server code can connect to the android client only once and if the connection is lost it does not reconnect and therefore it is lost forever
This is my code
How do I modify the program to reconnect to the client even on loss of connection?
2. The received data from the client has a new line character, how do i remove it? I tried using
but it doesn't work
Any help is appreciated. Very new to AutoIt and to this forum
Any help please?
1.My server code can connect to the android client only once and if the connection is lost it does not reconnect and therefore it is lost forever
This is my code
#include <GUIConstants.au3> Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\GTN Trainer Lite\GTN\sys\sim\GTN Simulator.exe") WinWaitActive("GTN Trainer Lite") WinMove("GTN Trainer Lite", "", 500, 150, 550, 550) Send("!p") Sleep(10000) MouseClick("left", 760, 600, 10) Sleep(2000) MouseClick("left", 760, 600, 10) Sleep(2000) MouseClick("left", 750, 595, 10) Sleep(5000) $ServerIP = @IPAddress1 $Port = 5000 TCPStartup() $MainSocket = TCPListen($ServerIP, $Port) If $MainSocket = -1 Then Exit $ConnectedSocket = -1 Do $ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept($MainSocket) Until $ConnectedSocket <> -1 TrayTip("Info", "Connected", 2) While 1 $recv = TCPRecv($ConnectedSocket, 100000) ;If @error Then ExitLoop If $recv <> "" Then TrayTip("Incoming Command", $recv, 5) _CommandToAction($recv) EndIf ;~ ;If $recv = 3 Then Exit WEnd TrayTip("info", "Closing socket", 5) TCPCloseSocket($ConnectedSocket) TrayTip("info", "TCP shutdown", 5) TCPShutdown() Exit Func _CommandToAction($command) If StringInStr($command, "left") Then TrayTip("info", $command, 5) MouseClick("left", 990, 620,1, 10) EndIf If StringInStr($command, "right") Then TrayTip("info", $command, 5) MouseClick("left", 1010, 620,1, 10) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CommandToAction
How do I modify the program to reconnect to the client even on loss of connection?
2. The received data from the client has a new line character, how do i remove it? I tried using
but it doesn't work
Any help is appreciated. Very new to AutoIt and to this forum
Any help please?