Have an autoit script that send out tweets with Twhirl app written in adobe air.
Sometimes the tweet gets hung and twhirl puts out and error window
with an "OK" button . I need to detect this sub-window "OK" button
so I can click on it if it occurs, and continue entering text.
Right now I mouse click in the area where the "OK' button shows
whether it is there or not.This creates other problems as that clicks on
web urls.
Any good ideas, The Info app does not show this parameters for the OK window.
Sometimes the tweet gets hung and twhirl puts out and error window
with an "OK" button . I need to detect this sub-window "OK" button
so I can click on it if it occurs, and continue entering text.
Right now I mouse click in the area where the "OK' button shows
whether it is there or not.This creates other problems as that clicks on
web urls.
Any good ideas, The Info app does not show this parameters for the OK window.