Hi, I don't know what should be the proper title for this question
I'm trying to create a way to change the output order by using a .ini file, the problem is using the correct "row" from the array and passing it as a variable, don't know how to explain it properly so here's what I done so far, and is not working:
the array is not being read correctly, the output (from the code above) is:
the expected output is:
This even possible to do?![:(]()
I'm trying to create a way to change the output order by using a .ini file, the problem is using the correct "row" from the array and passing it as a variable, don't know how to explain it properly so here's what I done so far, and is not working:
[ autoit ]
Global $ini = @ScriptDir & "\test.ini", $x IniWrite($ini,"Test","CustomView","#name# (#yold#) - #contry#") Dim $aListMembers[5][3] = [['19','Tiago','Brazil'], _ ['34','GUILERMO','Spain'], _ ['25','NICOLAO','Spain'], _ ['20','ELENA','Italy'], _ ['18','KRISTEN','Germany']] $sConfig = IniRead($ini,"Test","CustomView","#contry# - #name# (#yold#)") FileDelete($ini) $list = StringReplace($sConfig,"#contry#",$aListMembers[$x][2]) $list = StringReplace($sConfig,"#name#",$aListMembers[$x][1]) $list = StringReplace($sConfig,"#yold#",$aListMembers[$x][0]) For $x = 0 To UBound($aListMembers)-1 ConsoleWrite($list&@LF) Next Exit
the array is not being read correctly, the output (from the code above) is:
#name# (19) - #contry# #name# (19) - #contry# #name# (19) - #contry# #name# (19) - #contry# #name# (19) - #contry#
the expected output is:
Tiago (19) - Brazil GUILERMO (34) - Spain NICOLAO (25) - Spain ELENA (20) - Italy KRISTEN (18) - Germany
This even possible to do?