Hi All,
Please excuse my dumbness! I am not a great scripter but have been working on a script for a friend how has had issues with their internet. I have created a script to Ping something like Google if no connection it then runs a script, however, if the issue is with the router rebooting due to a power surge and the page doesn't load, how can I get the script to reboot and start from the beginning?
So if the WinWaitActive("Windows Security") isn't found, how can it tell the script to start again?
Please not that the below bit after ELSE is to close all current windows:
MouseMove (150, 749)
MouseClick ("left")
Sleep (500)
MouseClick ("left")
Thanks in advance for any help
Please excuse my dumbness! I am not a great scripter but have been working on a script for a friend how has had issues with their internet. I have created a script to Ping something like Google if no connection it then runs a script, however, if the issue is with the router rebooting due to a power surge and the page doesn't load, how can I get the script to reboot and start from the beginning?
[ autoit ]
While 1 $var = Ping("www.google.com") If not @error Then MouseMove (0, 728) MouseClick ("left") Sleep (500) MouseClick ("left") Sleep (1000000) Else MouseMove (150, 749) MouseClick ("left") Sleep (500) MouseClick ("left") run( "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE -new","") WinWaitActive("Windows Security") ControlClick("Windows Security", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]") Send ("{CTRLDOWN}") Send ("a") Send ("{CTRLUP}") Sleep (500) Send ("****") Sleep (500) Send ("{TAB}") Sleep (500) Send ("*****") Sleep (500) Send ("{ENTER}") Sleep (5000) WinWaitActive("NETGEAR Router DGND3700v2 - Windows Internet Explorer") Send ("{ALTDOWN}") Sleep (100) Send ("{SPACE}") Sleep (100) Send ("{ALTUP}") Sleep (500) Send ("x") Sleep (3000) MouseMove (733, 88) MouseClick ("left") Sleep (5000) MouseMove (657, 265) MouseClick ("left") Sleep (5000) ControlClick("Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]") Endif WEnd
So if the WinWaitActive("Windows Security") isn't found, how can it tell the script to start again?
Please not that the below bit after ELSE is to close all current windows:
MouseMove (150, 749)
MouseClick ("left")
Sleep (500)
MouseClick ("left")
Thanks in advance for any help