i need to get a particular line from the notepad ...
Local $Winx1 = @ScriptDir & "\aa.txt"
Local $tit ='aa - Notepad'
;Local $rw=WinGetText($tit)
Local $rw = StringRegExpReplace( WinGetText($tit), "(?mi)^(?!CD/).*?\R", '' )
MsgBox(0, "ControlGetText Example", "The control text is: " & $rw)
this is my code .... i need to get the
CD/DVD Model: hp CDDVDW TS-L633N
but its not coming correctly
please tell me how to do? where i did mistake ?
Local $Winx1 = @ScriptDir & "\aa.txt"
Local $tit ='aa - Notepad'
;Local $rw=WinGetText($tit)
Local $rw = StringRegExpReplace( WinGetText($tit), "(?mi)^(?!CD/).*?\R", '' )
MsgBox(0, "ControlGetText Example", "The control text is: " & $rw)
this is my code .... i need to get the
CD/DVD Model: hp CDDVDW TS-L633N
but its not coming correctly
please tell me how to do? where i did mistake ?