I have a file that was pulled from an excel sheet - CVS. I need to add all the lines between the first all lines until the next format - I know clear as mud!
Each main line begins with the following format - 2 letters (abbr of the US State), followed by 3 numbers - the part of the US State.
So Maryland would be MD, and Rockville would be 123 - total format MD123 - I need all the lines including this line, until I reach the next location MD124.
The Excel file was chopped up really good, nothing I have done so far has worked...what I am hoping to do is to grab all the lines between the two locations - some lines include everything needed in the line and some lines have 3-5 lines between locations. - but I need it to be all one line, so that I can grab the info from that line and search it - I do not think the following code is even a good starting point, but this is what I have tried, plus many more - I am at a loss, as I have been trying to do this for two days.
Any help or additional info needed - thanks for your time.
edit forgot to end my tag
Each main line begins with the following format - 2 letters (abbr of the US State), followed by 3 numbers - the part of the US State.
So Maryland would be MD, and Rockville would be 123 - total format MD123 - I need all the lines including this line, until I reach the next location MD124.
The Excel file was chopped up really good, nothing I have done so far has worked...what I am hoping to do is to grab all the lines between the two locations - some lines include everything needed in the line and some lines have 3-5 lines between locations. - but I need it to be all one line, so that I can grab the info from that line and search it - I do not think the following code is even a good starting point, but this is what I have tried, plus many more - I am at a loss, as I have been trying to do this for two days.
Any help or additional info needed - thanks for your time.
[ autoit ]
While 1 And $countIT <> 25 $NewLineNumber = 0 $countIT += 1 $line = FileReadLine($File, $iLineNumber) ; read the first line, and continue until end If @error = -1 Then ;MsgBox('','End of File',$Device & ' Line=' & $iLineNumber) ExitLoop EndIf If $line = '' Then $iLineNumber += 1 ContinueLoop Else Do $sLetters_2 = StringLeft($line, 2) $sNumbers_3 = StringMid($line, 3, 3) ; $sNumbers_3 = Number($sNumbers_3) ; ConsoleWrite('--> EXISTING LINE ' & $sLetters_2 & $sNumbers_3 & @CRLF) ; If (IsString($sLetters_2) = True And StringLen($sLetters_2) = 2) And (IsNumber($sNumbers_3) = True And StringLen($sNumbers_3) = 3) Then $AddLine = True Else ConsoleWrite($line & ' -->> does not meet requirement ' & $sLetters_2 & $sNumbers_3 & @CRLF) #cs MsgBox('', '', 'Is String = ' & IsString($sLetters_2) _ & @CRLF & 'StringLen($sLetters_2) ' & StringLen($sLetters_2) & ' <> 2' _ & @CRLF & 'IsNumber($sNumbers_3) ' & IsNumber($sNumbers_3) _ & @CRLF & 'StringLen($sNumbers_3) ' & StringLen($sNumbers_3) & ' <> 3') #ce $NewLineNumber += 1 $sTempLine = FileReadLine($File, $iLineNumber + $NewLineNumber) If @error = -1 Then ;MsgBox('','End of File',$Device & ' Line=' & $iLineNumber) ExitLoop 2 EndIf ConsoleWrite('TempLINE ' & $sTempLine & @CRLF) $line &= $sTempLine ConsoleWrite('LINE ' & $line & @CRLF) EndIf Until $AddLine $iLineNumber += $NewLineNumber EndIf ConsoleWrite('1 need to search on this line ' & $line & @CRLF) WEnd If $sLocation = '' Then MsgBox('', 'Not Found', 'Location was not found for device ', 1) FileClose($File)
edit forgot to end my tag