Good morning to all,
I'm starting to work with autoit and I have a problem with the sorting of the listview. I saw that there are many examples in the forum but I could not figure it out. In the example below I want to sort in ascending order the various elements of listview immediately after their insertion but do not understand where I'm wrong
Can anyone help me?
I'm starting to work with autoit and I have a problem with the sorting of the listview. I saw that there are many examples in the forum but I could not figure it out. In the example below I want to sort in ascending order the various elements of listview immediately after their insertion but do not understand where I'm wrong
#include <DateTimeConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <ListViewConstants.au3> #include <GUIListView.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> $Form1_1 = GUICreate("Form1", 200, 300, 200, 200) $ListView1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("Date", 5, 5, 190, 250) GUICtrlSendMsg(-1, $LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0, 200) $Date1 = GUICtrlCreateDate("2013/04/03 14:34:10", 5, 265, 190, 25, 0) $sortFlag = True GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Date1 $myDate = GUICtrlRead($Date1) if _GUICtrlListView_FindInText($ListView1, $myDate, -1) = -1 Then $lvIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemCount($ListView1) _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem($ListView1, $myDate, $lvIndex) _GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort($ListView1, $sortFlag, 0) EndIf EndSwitch WEnd
Can anyone help me?