in the future i will use inputbox but for now is just for testing.
I'am trying to find a way to make to verify the correct answer for the input box, so if one the inputbox doesn't met the requirement it will ask to reconfigure, and wont continue the script.
the way i found to control the inputbox work fine if only one email is field,
but i decide to allow more them on email .
so i begin to find a way to make the control to work but using this way wont work
so i'am asking for some ideas for make the control to work. because i doesn't find a solution
sorry for bad English
in the future i will use inputbox but for now is just for testing.
I'am trying to find a way to make to verify the correct answer for the input box, so if one the inputbox doesn't met the requirement it will ask to reconfigure, and wont continue the script.
the way i found to control the inputbox work fine if only one email is field,
but i decide to allow more them on email .
so i begin to find a way to make the control to work but using this way wont work
so i'am asking for some ideas for make the control to work. because i doesn't find a solution
sorry for bad English
#include <String.au3> #include <Misc.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> $urNome = "" ; inbox 1 put a name $urNomePst = "" ; inbox 2 put filename $urTam = "" ; inbox 3 put the lim size $urEmail = "raffav@msn.com;raffaello@msn.com;raffavgmail.com" ; inbox 4 put the email use ; to put more than one email $uverifc = "" #region ### VERIFICA NOME ############################ (Usuario) If $urNome = "" Then ; check if the name is blank MsgBox(0, "Error", "Insira Um Nome de usuario Valido") ;error msg $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 ; add + 3 to the control ElseIf StringLen($urNome) <= 3 Then ; check if the name have less them 3 char MsgBox(16, "Erro", "Favor inserir um nome maior do que 3 carecter") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 ; add + 3 to the control Else ;if is corrent than set the controll to + 2 MsgBox(0, "ok 1", "OK 1") $uverifc = $uverifc + 2 ; add + 2 to the control EndIf #endregion ### VERIFICA NOME ############################ (Usuario) #region ### VERIFICA NOME PST ############################ (Usuario) If $urNomePst = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Insira Um Nome de Pst Valido") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 Else $urNomePst = $urNomePst $size = FileGetSize($urNomePst) If $size = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "FILESIZE", "Nome da pst: " & '"' & $urNomePst & '"' & "Não encontrado, Favor especificar o nome correto") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 Else MsgBox(0, "ok 2", "OK 2") $uverifc = $uverifc + 2 EndIf EndIf #endregion ### VERIFICA NOME PST ############################ (Usuario) #region ### VERIFICA TAMANHO PST ############################ (Usuario) $nun = StringRegExp($urTam, "^[0-9.]+$") If $urTam = "" Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Insira Um Tamanho Valido") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 ElseIf $nun = 0 Then MsgBox(16, "Erro", " Erro no 3° Parametro: " & '=>"' & $urTam & '"<=' & @CRLF & "Somente Numeros e Pontos(.)") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 ElseIf $urTam < 5 Or $urTam > 15 Then MsgBox(64, "Erro", "Favor use um valor entre 5 - 15 GB") $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 Else MsgBox(0, "ok 3", "OK 3") $uverifc = $uverifc + 2 EndIf #endregion ### VERIFICA TAMANHO PST ############################ (Usuario) #region ### VERIFICA EMAIL DE ENVIO ############################ (Usuario) Global $To_array = StringSplit($urEmail, ";") Global $e_un[$To_array[0] + 1][2] = [[$To_array[0], 0]] For $s = 1 To UBound($To_array) - 1 If Not StringRegExp($To_array[$s], "^[a-z0-9._%-]+@[a-z0-9].+[*]{0,4}[a-z]{2,4}+$") Then $e_un[$s][0] = $To_array[$s] MsgBox(16, "Error", $e_un[$s][0] & " Não é Valido " & @CRLF & " Insira Um E-mail de envio Valido") $e_un[$s][1] = 2 $uverifc = $uverifc + 3 Else MsgBox(0, "ok 4", "OK 4") $uverifc = $uverifc + 2 $e_un[$s][0] = $To_array[$s] $e_un[$s][1] = 1 EndIf Next For $s = 1 To UBound($To_array) - 1; MsgBox(0, "ver", $e_un[$s][1] & " " & $e_un[$s][0]) Next #endregion ### VERIFICA EMAIL DE ENVIO ############################ (Usuario) ;this here only will work if the email is only one, because if ther more then 2 correct email the $uverifc used for verify the answer will pass the correct answer below and will always sai that is not ok If $uverifc <> 8 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "reconfigure " & $uverifc) ; all, or one of them don't met the requeriment. ElseIf $uverifc == 8 Then MsgBox(0, "ok 5", "Configuração Ok") ;all is ok so can continue the script EndIf