Hey ,
Im trying to open a pdf which I do. Then I want to place my mouse at a specific section click and drap copy to another certain point and then get autoit to do that for a different file.
Can anyone help me as ive been stuck on this for 3 days now with no luck.
Im trying to open a pdf which I do. Then I want to place my mouse at a specific section click and drap copy to another certain point and then get autoit to do that for a different file.
Can anyone help me as ive been stuck on this for 3 days now with no luck.
[ autoit ]
Local Const $PDFFileName = 'c:\acra\datasheet\adc_126.pdf' Local Const $PDFViewer = "C:\Program Files\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" Local $RunString = $PDFViewer & " " & $PDFFileName local $testFun2Result_string = TestFunc2('PDF will open now...') ; open pdf viewer with the file Run( $RunString ) ;Navigate to power consumption table within the ADC_126 pdf _WinWaitActivate("ADC_126.pdf - [untitled] - SumatraPDF","") Send("{CTRLDOWN}f{CTRLUP}Power{SPACE}consumption{ENTER}") Local $pos = MouseGetPos() MsgBox(0, "Mouse x,y:", $pos[0] & "," & $pos[1])