Hi Guys,
The person who release this script has a working exe copy but for some reason I cannot make a exe from the code he released.
I am trying to change the key that is use to execute the script in game and also some of the wording in message. But some reason everytime I try to right click and compile to 32 bit I get this error.
![Posted Image]()
and when I double click the same actual au3 file I get this error.
![Posted Image]()
Here is the code:
Help is highly appreciated. Thank You.
The person who release this script has a working exe copy but for some reason I cannot make a exe from the code he released.
I am trying to change the key that is use to execute the script in game and also some of the wording in message. But some reason everytime I try to right click and compile to 32 bit I get this error.
![Posted Image](http://i45.tinypic.com/34xkxdy.jpg)
and when I double click the same actual au3 file I get this error.
![Posted Image](http://i45.tinypic.com/a2ywc8.jpg)
Here is the code:
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases_ #InstallKeybdHook ; SendMode, Play #UseHook ;SetKeyDelay, 5, 5 SetKeyDelay, 0, 0, Play SendMessage(message, sleepduration = 2, block = true) { if WinActive("ahk_class RiotWindowClass") { ; Make sure that we dont accidentally send something in all chat. GetKeyState, state, Shift if state = D { KeyWait, Shift } GetKeyState, state, Control if state = D { KeyWait, Control } if (block == true) { BlockInput, On } SendPlay, {Enter} Sleep, %sleepduration% SendPlay, %message% Sleep, %sleepduration% SendPlay, {Enter} if (block == true) { BlockInput, Off } } } $F10:: SendMessage("/all GGGGGGG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GGGGG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GGGGGGG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GGGGGGG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GGGGG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GG GG", 1, false) SendMessage("/all GGGGGGG", 1, false) return
Help is highly appreciated. Thank You.