So I have 2 links on a webpage, the txt can be anything, the href changes too but not the domain of link. I found that this.....
Is a crude way to find a link but it adds unnecessary seconds to the script. Is there a better way to find find these guys on the webpage? I mean a way to do with without looping through every possible link.
I would put the source of page but its long. Here is a link to an example.
[ autoit ]
For $x = 0 To 164 Local $oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "a", $x) If StringInStr($, "ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_ContentMain_TabContainer1_DetailsTab_DetailsController1_ctl00_ParcelSummary1_TitleSection") > 0 Then $ParcelID = $oInputs.href Next
I would put the source of page but its long. Here is a link to an example.
![Posted Image](