Am trying to insert a listbox under an inputbox, the idea is that when the user write a letter or any string value, then automatically appear the listbox with the matching results.
I was traying to accomplish, but when I insert something it doesn´t stop to flashing.
all your comments about it will be appreciated!
my code[size=4]
Am trying to insert a listbox under an inputbox, the idea is that when the user write a letter or any string value, then automatically appear the listbox with the matching results.
I was traying to accomplish, but when I insert something it doesn´t stop to flashing.
all your comments about it will be appreciated!
my code[size=4]
[ autoit ]
#include [/size] #include #include #include #include #Include global $dato, $handle $hGUI = GUICreate("tester ahora",400,400) $input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("",0,0,200) $handle = GUICtrlcreateList("hola",0,22,200,100) GUICtrlSetState($handle,$GUI_HIDE) GUISetState() while 1 $nmg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nmg case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE exit Case GUICtrlRead($input1) Switch GUICtrlRead($input1) case "" GUICtrlSetState($handle,$GUI_HIDE) case Else GUICtrlSetState($handle,$GUI_SHOw) EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd