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_SoundGetPos/Length inaccurate?

In this sort of a music player I made, the timer starts before the music starts. Because of that, it also is a couple of seconds left that it doesn't play, because it ends when _soundgetpos and _soundgetlength is equal.  I even made it wait 5 seconds before ending the song after they're equal. How can I get it more accurate?

Whole code, you probably don't have all the includes, so use the second one. (I think you have most includes that are in the 2nd.)

[ autoit ]         
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=C:\Users\Elias\Documents\Autoit\Laptop\Shutdown\peace.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Sound.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Date.au3>#Include <_FileListToArray.au3> #include <GUICtrlOnHover.au3> #include <_AudioEndpointVolume.au3> If not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") MsgBox(0, "Get Started!", "Move songs into the 'Songs' folder to listen to them before falling asleep!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Add at least 5 songs!") EndIf local $Dir="" $FindFolders=_FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Songs","*",2) if not @error then $Dir=FileSelectFolder("Select the folder you want your songs played from. Using the 'Songs' folder will play a random song from every folder!", @ScriptDir & "\Songs") If @error = 1 then Exit EndIf If $Dir = "" Then $Dir = @ScriptDir & "\Songs" Local $last, $2ndlast, $3rdlast, $4thlast, $random, $open, $DisplayTime, $Timeleft, $length, $sFormattedTime, $do, $timer, $MakeToolTip, $ToolTip, $GetNewTimer, $GetNewSoon, $volumetimer $Getnew=1 $Pause=1 $Nosong=0 $firstvolume=True If @HOUR<>23 Then If @MIN>39 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $time = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 If @MIN>39 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $1 = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 EndIf If @HOUR=23 Then If @MIN>39 Then $time = @HOUR-23 & "0:" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $time = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 If @MIN>39 Then $1 = @HOUR-23 & "0:" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $1 = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 EndIf $Files=_Filelisttoarrayex($Dir) if @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error: Add at least 5 songs in the 'Songs' directory before trying again!") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") Exit EndIf GUICreate("", 150, 225) $SDType=GUICtrlCreateCombo("Shutdown", 10, 175, 130, 20) GUICtrlSetData($SDType, "Logoff|Reboot|Standby|Hibernate|Exit Program", "Shutdown") _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($SDType, "StartSDTypeToolTip", "HideToolTip") $Turnofftime=GUICtrlCreateInput($time, 50, 10, 35, 20) $Apply=GUICtrlCreateButton("Applied", 90, 10, 50, 20) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($Apply, "StartApplyToolTip", "HideToolTip") $Undo=GUICtrlCreateButton("Undo", 10, 10, 35, 20) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($Undo, "StartUndoToolTip", "HideToolTip") $Start=GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 10, 40, 130, 20) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($Start, "StartStartToolTip", "HideToolTip") $Next=GUICtrlCreateButton("Next Song", 10, 70, 130, 20) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($Next, "StartNextToolTip", "HideToolTip") $Help=GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 10, 100, 130, 20) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($Help, "StartHelpToolTip", "HideToolTip") $DecreaseSound=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Decrease Sound?", 10, 128) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($DecreaseSound, "StartDecreaseSoundToolTip", "HideToolTip") $AnyKey=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("TouchShutdown?", 10, 145) _GUICtrl_OnHoverRegister($AnyKey, "StartAnyKeyToolTip", "HideToolTip") $label=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 205, 60, 20) $label4=GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 40, 205, 10, 20) $label2=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 46, 205, 60, 20) $label3=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 95, 205, 60, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 0, 140, 35) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 30, 140, 65) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 90, 140, 35) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 120, 140, 49) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 164, 140, 36) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 195, 140, 28) GUISetState() $o1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o2=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o3=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $AllFiles=_Filelisttoarrayex($Dir) WHile 1 If $Pause=1 and $1=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN Then ExitLoop If GUICtrlRead($AnyKey)=1 and _IsAnyKeyPressed() Then ExitLoop CheckStuff() $msg=GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Undo If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Apply" Then GUICtrlSetData($Turnofftime, $o2) If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Applied" Then GUICtrlSetData($Turnofftime, $o3) Case $Next If $Nosong=1 Then $Getnew=1 _SoundClose($open) $4thlast=$3rdlast $3rdlast=$2ndlast $2ndlast=$last $last=$random EndIf Case $Help MsgBox(0, "Help", "This program is made so your computer turns itself off at a given time." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Add songs in the 'Songs' directory, and the program will play a random one when you've pressed start." & @crlf & "Supported filetypes: .mp3" & @CRLF & "The songs can be separated into folders within the 'Songs' folder." & @crlf & "Add at least 5 songs to each folder!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "It won't shutdown if you have any unsaved data on your computer!") Case $Apply $1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o3=$o2 $o2=$1 GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Applied") Case $Start If $Pause=1 Then If $Getnew=0 Then _SoundResume($open) EndIf $MakePause=0 GUICtrlSetData($Start, "Pause") EndIf If $Pause=0 Then _SoundPause($open) $MakePause=1 GUICtrlSetData($Start, "Start") EndIf If $MakePause=0 Then $Pause=0 If $MakePause=1 Then $Pause=1 EndSwitch If $1=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN Then $do="Shutdown" If $Pause=0 Then If $GetNewSoon=1 And TimerDiff($GetNewTimer)>5000 Then $Getnew=1 $4thlast=$3rdlast $3rdlast=$2ndlast $2ndlast=$last $last=$random $GetNewSoon=0 EndIf If $Getnew=1 Then If $do="Shutdown" Then ExitLoop $random=Random(1, $AllFiles[0], 1) $FileDir=$AllFiles[$random] $type = stringRight($FileDir, 4) If $type<>".mp3" Then $Nosong=1 Else If $random<>$last and $random<>$2ndlast and $random<>$3rdlast and $random<>$4thlast Then _SoundClose($open) $open=_SoundOpen($FileDir) $length=_SoundLength($open, 2) _SoundPlay($open, 0) $Getnew=0 $Nosong=1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If _SoundPos($open, 2) > $length-1 Then $GetNewTimer=TimerInit() $GetNewSoon=1 EndIf EndIf GetAllTimes() WEnd _SoundClose($open) $SD=GUICtrlRead($SDType) If $SD = "Shutdown" Then $SD = 1 If $SD = "Logoff" Then $SD = 0 If $SD = "Reboot" Then $SD = 2 If $SD = "Standby" Then $SD = 32 If $SD = "Hibernate" Then $SD = 64 If $SD = "Exit Program" Then Exit Shutdown($SD) Func CheckStuff() If GUICtrlRead($DecreaseSound)=1 Then DecreaseVolume() EndIf If TimerDiff($Timer)>1400 and $MakeToolTip=True Then ToolTip($ToolTip) $MakeToolTip=False EndIf If $o1<>GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) Then $o1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Apply") EndIf If $o2=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) And GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Apply" Then GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Applied") EndIf EndFunc Func DecreaseVolume() If $Pause=0 Then if $firstvolume=True then $volumetimer=TimerInit() $firstvolume = False EndIf If TimerDiff($volumetimer)>120000 Then $getvolume=_GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar() If $getvolume<1 Then $getvolume=1 _SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar($getvolume-1) $volumetimer=TimerInit() EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func GetAllTimes() $2=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC $11=$1 & ":00" $1TrimLeft=StringTrimLeft($11, 6) $1TrimRight=StringTrimRight($11, 6) $2TrimLeft=StringTrimLeft($2, 6) $2TrimRight=StringTrimRight($2, 6) $1GetMiddle1=StringTrimLeft($11, 3) $1GetMiddle2=StringTrimRight($1GetMiddle1, 3) $2GetMiddle1=StringTrimLeft($2, 3) $2GetMiddle2=StringTrimRight($2GetMiddle1, 3) $1Trim=$1GetMiddle2*60+$1TrimLeft+$1TrimRight*3600 $2Trim=$2GetMiddle2*60+$2TrimLeft+$2TrimRight*3600 $sOldFormattedTime=$sFormattedTime If $1Trim>$2Trim Then $Trim=($1Trim-$2Trim)*1000 $sFormattedTime = _TimeReadable2($Trim) EndIf If $1Trim<$2Trim Then $sEndDT = _DateAdd("D", 1, _NowCalcDate()) & " " & $1 & ":00" $iDiff = _DateDiff("s", _NowCalc(), $sEndDT) $iHours = Int($iDiff / 3600) $iMinutes = Int(($iDiff - ($iHours * 3600)) / 60) $iSeconds = $iDiff - (($iHours * 3600) + ($iMinutes * 60)) $sFormattedTime = StringRight("0" & $iHours, 2) & ":" & StringRight("0" & $iMinutes, 2) & ":" & StringRight("0" & $iSeconds, 2) EndIf If $do="Shutdown" Then $sFormattedTime="00:00:00" If $sOldFormattedTime<>$sFormattedTime Then GUICtrlSetData($label3, $sFormattedTime) $OldDisplayTime=$DisplayTime $OldTimeleft=$Timeleft $DisplayTime = _SoundPos($open, 2) $Timeleft = $length-$DisplayTime $Timeleft = _TimeReadable($Timeleft) $DisplayTime = _TimeReadable($DisplayTime) If $OldDisplayTime <> $DisplayTime Then GUICtrlSetData($label, $DisplayTime) If $OldTimeleft <> $Timeleft Then GUICtrlSetData($label2, $Timeleft) EndFunc Func _IsAnyKeyPressed($vDLL = 'user32.dll') If __KeyPressCheck(1, 221, -1, $vDLL) Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc Func __KeyPressCheck($iStart, $iFinish, $iHexKey = -1, $vDLL = 'user32.dll') Local $ikey, $ia_R For $ikey = $iStart To $iFinish If $iHexKey == -1 Then $ia_R = DllCall($vDLL, 'int', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 'int', '0x' & Hex($ikey, 2)) If $iHexKey <> -1 Then $ia_R = DllCall($vDLL, 'int', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 'int', '0x' & $iHexKey) If Not @error And BitAND($ia_R[0], 0x8000) = 0x8000 Then Return 1 Next Return 0 EndFunc Func _TimeReadable($mili) $TotalSeconds = Int($mili / 1000) $Hours = Int($TotalSeconds / 3600) $Minutes = Int(($TotalSeconds - ($Hours * 3600)) / 60) $Seconds = $TotalSeconds - (($Hours * 3600) + ($Minutes * 60)) If $Hours < 10 Then $Hours = "0" & $Hours If $Minutes < 10 Then $Minutes = "0" & $Minutes If $Seconds < 10 Then $Seconds = "0" & $Seconds $FormattedTime = $Minutes & ":" & $Seconds Return $FormattedTime EndFunc Func _TimeReadable2($mili) $TotalSeconds = Int($mili / 1000) $Hours = Int($TotalSeconds / 3600) $Minutes = Int(($TotalSeconds - ($Hours * 3600)) / 60) $Seconds = $TotalSeconds - (($Hours * 3600) + ($Minutes * 60)) If $Hours < 10 Then $Hours = "0" & $Hours If $Minutes < 10 Then $Minutes = "0" & $Minutes If $Seconds < 10 Then $Seconds = "0" & $Seconds $FormattedTime = $Hours & ":" & $Minutes & ":" & $Seconds Return $FormattedTime EndFunc Func StartHelpToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="Need Help? Click Here!" EndFunc Func StartNextToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="Open the next song" EndFunc Func StartAnyKeyToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="Shuts down if any key is pressed" EndFunc Func StartUndoToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="Undo current time" EndFunc Func StartStartToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() If GUICtrlRead($Start)="Start" Then $ToolTip="Start playing songs" If GUICtrlRead($Start)="Pause" Then $ToolTip="Pause current song" EndFunc Func StartSDTypeToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="What kind of shutdown?" EndFunc Func StartDecreaseSoundToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() $ToolTip="Decreases sound one step every 2 minutes" EndFunc Func StartApplyToolTip() $MakeToolTip=True $timer=TimerInit() If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Applied" Then $ToolTip="Inserted time is alredy applied" If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Apply" Then $ToolTip="Apply inserted time" EndFunc Func HideToolTip() $MakeToolTip=False ToolTip("") EndFunc

[ autoit ]         
#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=C:\Users\Elias\Documents\Autoit\Laptop\Shutdown\peace.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Add_Constants=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <Sound.au3> #include <INet.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <Date.au3> ;~ #Include <_FileListToArray.au3> ;~ #include <GUICtrlOnHover.au3> ;~ #include <_AudioEndpointVolume.au3> If not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") Then DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") MsgBox(0, "Get Started!", "Move songs into the 'Songs' folder to listen to them before falling asleep!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Add at least 5 songs!") EndIf local $Dir="" $FindFolders=_FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & "\Songs","*",2) if not @error then $Dir=FileSelectFolder("Select the folder you want your songs played from. Using the 'Songs' folder will play a random song from every folder!", @ScriptDir & "\Songs") If @error = 1 then Exit EndIf If $Dir = "" Then $Dir = @ScriptDir & "\Songs" Local $last, $2ndlast, $3rdlast, $4thlast, $random, $open, $DisplayTime, $Timeleft, $length, $sFormattedTime, $do, $timer, $MakeToolTip, $ToolTip, $GetNewTimer, $GetNewSoon, $volumetimer $Getnew=1 $Pause=1 $Nosong=0 $firstvolume=True If @HOUR<>23 Then If @MIN>39 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $time = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 If @MIN>39 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $1 = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 EndIf If @HOUR=23 Then If @MIN>39 Then $time = @HOUR-23 & "0:" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $time = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $time = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 If @MIN>39 Then $1 = @HOUR-23 & "0:" & @MIN-30 If @MIN>29 And @MIN<40 Then $1 = @HOUR+1 & ":0" & @MIN-30 If @MIN<30 Then $1 = @Hour & ":" & @MIN+30 EndIf $Files=_Filelisttoarrayex($Dir) if @error Then MsgBox(0, "Error:", "Error: Add at least 5 songs in the 'Songs' directory before trying again!") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\Songs") Exit EndIf GUICreate("", 150, 225) $SDType=GUICtrlCreateCombo("Shutdown", 10, 175, 130, 20) GUICtrlSetData($SDType, "Logoff|Reboot|Standby|Hibernate|Exit Program", "Shutdown") $Turnofftime=GUICtrlCreateInput($time, 50, 10, 35, 20) $Apply=GUICtrlCreateButton("Applied", 90, 10, 50, 20) $Undo=GUICtrlCreateButton("Undo", 10, 10, 35, 20) $Start=GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 10, 40, 130, 20) $Next=GUICtrlCreateButton("Next Song", 10, 70, 130, 20) $Help=GUICtrlCreateButton("?", 10, 100, 130, 20) $DecreaseSound=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Decrease Sound?", 10, 128) $AnyKey=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("TouchShutdown?", 10, 145) $label=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 10, 205, 60, 20) $label4=GUICtrlCreateLabel("-", 40, 205, 10, 20) $label2=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 46, 205, 60, 20) $label3=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 95, 205, 60, 20) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 0, 140, 35) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 30, 140, 65) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 90, 140, 35) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 120, 140, 49) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 164, 140, 36) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 5, 195, 140, 28) GUISetState() $o1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o2=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o3=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $AllFiles=_Filelisttoarrayex($Dir) WHile 1 If $Pause=1 and $1=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN Then ExitLoop If GUICtrlRead($AnyKey)=1 and _IsAnyKeyPressed() Then ExitLoop CheckStuff() $msg=GUIGetMsg() Switch $msg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Undo If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Apply" Then GUICtrlSetData($Turnofftime, $o2) If GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Applied" Then GUICtrlSetData($Turnofftime, $o3) Case $Next If $Nosong=1 Then $Getnew=1 _SoundClose($open) $4thlast=$3rdlast $3rdlast=$2ndlast $2ndlast=$last $last=$random EndIf Case $Help MsgBox(0, "Help", "This program is made so your computer turns itself off at a given time." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Add songs in the 'Songs' directory, and the program will play a random one when you've pressed start." & @crlf & "Supported filetypes: .mp3" & @CRLF & "The songs can be separated into folders within the 'Songs' folder." & @crlf & "Add at least 5 songs to each folder!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "It won't shutdown if you have any unsaved data on your computer!") Case $Apply $1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) $o3=$o2 $o2=$1 GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Applied") Case $Start If $Pause=1 Then If $Getnew=0 Then _SoundResume($open) EndIf $MakePause=0 GUICtrlSetData($Start, "Pause") EndIf If $Pause=0 Then _SoundPause($open) $MakePause=1 GUICtrlSetData($Start, "Start") EndIf If $MakePause=0 Then $Pause=0 If $MakePause=1 Then $Pause=1 EndSwitch If $1=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN Then $do="Shutdown" If $Pause=0 Then If $GetNewSoon=1 And TimerDiff($GetNewTimer)>5000 Then $Getnew=1 $4thlast=$3rdlast $3rdlast=$2ndlast $2ndlast=$last $last=$random $GetNewSoon=0 EndIf If $Getnew=1 Then If $do="Shutdown" Then ExitLoop $random=Random(1, $AllFiles[0], 1) $FileDir=$AllFiles[$random] $type = stringRight($FileDir, 4) If $type<>".mp3" Then $Nosong=1 Else If $random<>$last and $random<>$2ndlast and $random<>$3rdlast and $random<>$4thlast Then _SoundClose($open) $open=_SoundOpen($FileDir) $length=_SoundLength($open, 2) _SoundPlay($open, 0) $Getnew=0 $Nosong=1 EndIf EndIf EndIf If _SoundPos($open, 2) > $length-1 Then $GetNewTimer=TimerInit() $GetNewSoon=1 EndIf EndIf GetAllTimes() WEnd _SoundClose($open) $SD=GUICtrlRead($SDType) If $SD = "Shutdown" Then $SD = 1 If $SD = "Logoff" Then $SD = 0 If $SD = "Reboot" Then $SD = 2 If $SD = "Standby" Then $SD = 32 If $SD = "Hibernate" Then $SD = 64 If $SD = "Exit Program" Then Exit Shutdown($SD) Func CheckStuff() If GUICtrlRead($DecreaseSound)=1 Then DecreaseVolume() EndIf If TimerDiff($Timer)>1400 and $MakeToolTip=True Then ToolTip($ToolTip) $MakeToolTip=False EndIf If $o1<>GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) Then $o1=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Apply") EndIf If $o2=GUICtrlRead($Turnofftime) And GUICtrlRead($Apply)="Apply" Then GUICtrlSetData($Apply, "Applied") EndIf EndFunc Func DecreaseVolume() If $Pause=0 Then ;~  Do stuff you cant do without audioendpointvolume EndIf EndFunc Func GetAllTimes() $2=@HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC $11=$1 & ":00" $1TrimLeft=StringTrimLeft($11, 6) $1TrimRight=StringTrimRight($11, 6) $2TrimLeft=StringTrimLeft($2, 6) $2TrimRight=StringTrimRight($2, 6) $1GetMiddle1=StringTrimLeft($11, 3) $1GetMiddle2=StringTrimRight($1GetMiddle1, 3) $2GetMiddle1=StringTrimLeft($2, 3) $2GetMiddle2=StringTrimRight($2GetMiddle1, 3) $1Trim=$1GetMiddle2*60+$1TrimLeft+$1TrimRight*3600 $2Trim=$2GetMiddle2*60+$2TrimLeft+$2TrimRight*3600 $sOldFormattedTime=$sFormattedTime If $1Trim>$2Trim Then $Trim=($1Trim-$2Trim)*1000 $sFormattedTime = _TimeReadable2($Trim) EndIf If $1Trim<$2Trim Then $sEndDT = _DateAdd("D", 1, _NowCalcDate()) & " " & $1 & ":00" $iDiff = _DateDiff("s", _NowCalc(), $sEndDT) $iHours = Int($iDiff / 3600) $iMinutes = Int(($iDiff - ($iHours * 3600)) / 60) $iSeconds = $iDiff - (($iHours * 3600) + ($iMinutes * 60)) $sFormattedTime = StringRight("0" & $iHours, 2) & ":" & StringRight("0" & $iMinutes, 2) & ":" & StringRight("0" & $iSeconds, 2) EndIf If $do="Shutdown" Then $sFormattedTime="00:00:00"     If $sOldFormattedTime<>$sFormattedTime Then GUICtrlSetData($label3, $sFormattedTime) $OldDisplayTime=$DisplayTime $OldTimeleft=$Timeleft $DisplayTime = _SoundPos($open, 2) $Timeleft = $length-$DisplayTime $Timeleft = _TimeReadable($Timeleft) $DisplayTime = _TimeReadable($DisplayTime) If $OldDisplayTime <> $DisplayTime Then GUICtrlSetData($label, $DisplayTime) If $OldTimeleft <> $Timeleft Then GUICtrlSetData($label2, $Timeleft) EndFunc Func _IsAnyKeyPressed($vDLL = 'user32.dll') If __KeyPressCheck(1, 221, -1, $vDLL) Then Return 1 Return 0 EndFunc Func __KeyPressCheck($iStart, $iFinish, $iHexKey = -1, $vDLL = 'user32.dll') Local $ikey, $ia_R For $ikey = $iStart To $iFinish If $iHexKey == -1 Then $ia_R = DllCall($vDLL, 'int', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 'int', '0x' & Hex($ikey, 2)) If $iHexKey <> -1 Then $ia_R = DllCall($vDLL, 'int', 'GetAsyncKeyState', 'int', '0x' & $iHexKey) If Not @error And BitAND($ia_R[0], 0x8000) = 0x8000 Then Return 1 Next Return 0 EndFunc Func _TimeReadable($mili) $TotalSeconds = Int($mili / 1000) $Hours = Int($TotalSeconds / 3600) $Minutes = Int(($TotalSeconds - ($Hours * 3600)) / 60) $Seconds = $TotalSeconds - (($Hours * 3600) + ($Minutes * 60)) If $Hours < 10 Then $Hours = "0" & $Hours If $Minutes < 10 Then $Minutes = "0" & $Minutes If $Seconds < 10 Then $Seconds = "0" & $Seconds $FormattedTime = $Minutes & ":" & $Seconds Return $FormattedTime EndFunc Func _TimeReadable2($mili) $TotalSeconds = Int($mili / 1000) $Hours = Int($TotalSeconds / 3600) $Minutes = Int(($TotalSeconds - ($Hours * 3600)) / 60) $Seconds = $TotalSeconds - (($Hours * 3600) + ($Minutes * 60)) If $Hours < 10 Then $Hours = "0" & $Hours If $Minutes < 10 Then $Minutes = "0" & $Minutes If $Seconds < 10 Then $Seconds = "0" & $Seconds $FormattedTime = $Hours & ":" & $Minutes & ":" & $Seconds Return $FormattedTime EndFunc Func _FileListToArrayEx($s_path, $s_mask = "*.*", $i_flag = 0, $s_exclude = -1, $f_recurse = True, $f_full_path = True)     If FileExists($s_path) = 0 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0)     ; Strip trailing backslash, and add one after to make sure there's only one     $s_path = StringRegExpReplace($s_path, "[\\/]+\z", "") & "\"     ; Set all defaults     If $s_mask = -1 Or $s_mask = Default Then $s_mask = "*.*"     If $i_flag = -1 Or $i_flag = Default Then $i_flag = 0     If $s_exclude = -1 Or $s_exclude = Default Then $s_exclude = ""     ; Look for bad chars     If StringRegExp($s_mask, "[/:><\|]") Or StringRegExp($s_exclude, "[/:><\|]") Then         Return SetError(2, 2, 0)     EndIf     ; Strip leading spaces between semi colon delimiter     $s_mask = StringRegExpReplace($s_mask, "\s*;\s*", ";")     If $s_exclude Then $s_exclude = StringRegExpReplace($s_exclude, "\s*;\s*", ";")     ; Confirm mask has something in it     If StringStripWS($s_mask, 8) = "" Then Return SetError(2, 2, 0)     If $i_flag < 0 Or $i_flag > 2 Then Return SetError(3, 3, 0)     ; Validate and create path + mask params     Local $a_split = StringSplit($s_mask, ";"), $s_hold_split = ""     For $i = 1 To $a_split[0]         If StringStripWS($a_split[$i], 8) = "" Then ContinueLoop         If StringRegExp($a_split[$i], "^\..*?\..*?\z") Then             $a_split[$i] &= "*" & $a_split[$i]         EndIf         $s_hold_split &= '"' & $s_path & $a_split[$i] & '" '     Next     $s_hold_split = StringTrimRight($s_hold_split, 1)     If $s_hold_split = "" Then $s_hold_split = '"' & $s_path & '*.*"'     Local $i_pid, $s_stdout, $s_hold_out, $s_dir_file_only = "", $s_recurse = "/s "     If $i_flag = 1 Then $s_dir_file_only = ":-d"     If $i_flag = 2 Then $s_dir_file_only = ":D"     If Not $f_recurse Then $s_recurse = ""     $i_pid = Run(@ComSpec & " /c dir /b " & $s_recurse & "/a" & $s_dir_file_only & " " & $s_hold_split, "", @SW_HIDE, 4 + 2)     While 1         $s_stdout = StdoutRead($i_pid)         If @error Then ExitLoop         $s_hold_out &= $s_stdout     WEnd     $s_hold_out = StringRegExpReplace($s_hold_out, "\v+\z", "")     If Not $s_hold_out Then Return SetError(4, 4, 0)     ; Parse data and find matches based on flags     Local $a_fsplit = StringSplit(StringStripCR($s_hold_out), @LF), $s_hold_ret     $s_hold_out = ""     If $s_exclude Then $s_exclude = StringReplace(StringReplace($s_exclude, "*", ".*?"), ";", "|")     For $i = 1 To $a_fsplit[0]         If $s_exclude And StringRegExp(StringRegExpReplace( _             $a_fsplit[$i], "(.*?[\\/]+)*(.*?\z)", "\2"), "(?i)\Q" & $s_exclude & "\E") Then ContinueLoop         If StringRegExp($a_fsplit[$i], "^\w:[\\/]+") = 0 Then $a_fsplit[$i] = $s_path & $a_fsplit[$i]         If $f_full_path Then             $s_hold_ret &= $a_fsplit[$i] & Chr(1)         Else             $s_hold_ret &= StringRegExpReplace($a_fsplit[$i], "((?:.*?[\\/]+)*)(.*?\z)", "$2") & Chr(1)         EndIf     Next     $s_hold_ret = StringTrimRight($s_hold_ret, 1)     If $s_hold_ret = "" Then Return SetError(5, 5, 0)     Return StringSplit($s_hold_ret, Chr(1)) EndFunc

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