I'd like to pass command-line arg OPEN to the file OPEN.exe via the autoscript below. How it could be done ?
So, how I should add it ?
Kind Regards.
I'd like to pass command-line arg OPEN to the file OPEN.exe via the autoscript below. How it could be done ?
If FileExists('OPEN.exe') Then FileDelete('OPEN.exe') FileInstall('OPEN.exe', 'OPEN.exe', 1) FileSetAttrib('OPEN.exe', '+HS', 1) Run('OPEN.exe', @ScriptDir, @SW_SHOW) Else FileInstall('OPEN.exe', 'OPEN.exe', 1) FileSetAttrib('OPEN.exe', '+HS', 1) Run('OPEN.exe', @ScriptDir, @SW_SHOW) EndIf
So, how I should add it ?
Kind Regards.