I tried to use if function To check if Button is clicked But It doesnt' worked .. Because i wan't to use a button inside a Loop to exit ir !
let me show you the code :
I'v tried to use Case but i got an error message saying that "Case" statement with no matching "Select"or "Switch" statement.:
I tried to use if function To check if Button is clicked But It doesnt' worked .. Because i wan't to use a button inside a Loop to exit ir !
let me show you the code :
$Stop = GUICtrlCreateButton("Stop", 219, 184, 123, 41) For $x = 1 to $x = 100 MsgBox(0,"","TEST") if $Stop then ExitLoop Endif Next ;Some thing
I'v tried to use Case but i got an error message saying that "Case" statement with no matching "Select"or "Switch" statement.: