Can someone help me get back on track?
I know the first line in the autoit file should be using the form element, but there is no form name or ID.
so I would like to address it direct knowing the name of the selector....
Local $oSelect = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oIE, "tomselector")
Is this possible..
I only need one method above to set the options, but I was trying all 3 to see if I could get anyone to work.
I know the first line in the autoit file should be using the form element, but there is no form name or ID.
so I would like to address it direct knowing the name of the selector....
Local $oSelect = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oIE, "tomselector")
Is this possible..
Html stuff... <select name=tomselector> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option> </select> Autoit stuff Local $oSelect = _IE GetObjByName($oIE, "tomselector") _IEFormElementOptionselect($oSelect, "Mercedes", 1, "byText") Sleep(1000) _IEFormElementOptionselect($oSelect, "mercedes", 1, "byValue") Sleep(1000) _IEFormElementOptionselect($oSelect, 0, 1, "byIndex") Sleep(1000)
I only need one method above to set the options, but I was trying all 3 to see if I could get anyone to work.