Is there a way to format auto-it code to have space so it can look more neat? Anyways...
In the code below my while $i>0 .... wend only loops once and does not go infinitely like I want, would someone now how I can fix this? Also with the while loop it does not tab to my notepad and without while loop it does, is there a reason behind this as well?
Thank you!
Edit: Forgot to mention that it also closes the gui after it loops once
In the code below my while $i>0 .... wend only loops once and does not go infinitely like I want, would someone now how I can fix this? Also with the while loop it does not tab to my notepad and without while loop it does, is there a reason behind this as well?
Thank you!
Edit: Forgot to mention that it also closes the gui after it loops once
[ autoit ]
#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> HotKeySet("{PAUSE}","terminate") GUICreate("abc",150,250) global $as = GUICtrlCreateButton("a",25,10,100,30) global $b = GUICtrlCreateButton("b",25,50,100,30) global $c = GUICtrlCreateButton("c",25,90,100,30) global $d = GUICtrlCreateButton("d",25,130,100,30) global $e = GUICtrlCreateButton("e",25,170,100,30) global $start = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start",25,210,100,30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) global $i = 0 while 1 global $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $as if $i<5 THEN global $itok = MsgBox(0,"Select a " & $i+1,"Press ENTER to save location") if $itok = 1 THEN if $i = 0 THEN global $apos1 = MouseGetPos() ElseIf $i = 1 Then global $apos2 = MouseGetPos() ElseIf $i = 2 Then global $apos3 = MouseGetPos() ElseIf $i = 3 Then global $apos4 = MouseGetPos() ElseIf $i = 4 Then global $apos5 = MouseGetPos() EndIf Endif $i += 1 Else global $itok = MSGBox(0,"Error", "Maximum number of a exceeded") EndIf Case $msg = $b global $bn = MsgBox(0,"Select b","Press ENTER to save location") if $bn = 1 then global $bnpos = MouseGetPos() EndIf Case $msg = $c global $cd = MsgBox(0,"Select c","Press ENTER to save location") if $cd = 1 then global $cdpos = MouseGetPos() EndIf Case $msg = $d global $dcc = MsgBox(0,"Select d","Press ENTER to save location") if $dcc = 1 then global $dccpos = MouseGetPos() EndIf Case $msg = $e global $eill = MsgBox(0,"Select e","Press ENTER to save location") if $eill = 1 then global $epos = MouseGetPos() EndIf Case $msg = $start WinActivate("[CLASS:Notepad]", "") if $i = 1 THEN ;~ while $i>0 MouseMove($bnpos[0],$bnpos[1],10);bn sleep(300) MouseMove($epos[0],$epos[1],10);e sleep(300) MouseMove($apos1[0],$apos1[1],10);bn sleep(2000) MouseMove($dccpos[0],$dccpos[1],10);dcc sleep(1250) MouseMove($cdpos[0],$cdpos[1],10);cd sleep(300) MouseMove($epos[0],$epos[1],10);e sleep(300) MouseMove($apos1[0],$apos1[1],10);e sleep(300) MouseMove($epos[0],$epos[1],10);e sleep(300) ;~ wend EndIf EndSelect If $msg = $GUI_EVENt_CLOSE Then exitloop WEnd GUIDelete() func terminate() Exit EndFunc