I made a script for Yabause emulator and it works fine for it's purpose
The problem is that it eats 10-12% CPU
tried to add Sleep(100) but it does not exit from the script then
Any idea?
I made a script for Yabause emulator and it works fine for it's purpose
The problem is that it eats 10-12% CPU
tried to add Sleep(100) but it does not exit from the script then
[ autoit ]
#include $app = "yabause.exe" $app2 = "D:\mGalaxy\mGalaxy.exe" $windows = "Qt Yabause v0.9.12 - A Beautiful And Under-rated Saturn Emulator" $windows2 = "Select your iso/cue/bin file" If $CmdLine[0] == 1 Then Run( $app ) _MouseTrap(@DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight, @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight) WinWaitActive( $windows ) Send("^i") WinWait( $windows2 ) Send( $cmdline[1] ) Send("{ENTER}") WinActivate ( $app, $windows ) WinWaitActive( $windows ) Send("^l") ProcessWaitClose( $app ) WinActivate( $app2 ) Exit 0 EndIf