AutoIt Code
$oIE = _IECreate("<a href='' class='bbc_url' title=''>"</a>) Sleep(1000) Local $oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "input") For $oInput In $oInputs If $oInput.value == "Go" Then _IEAction($oInput, "click") Exitloop EndIf Next
In the above example is it possible to attain the input without $oIE, so without
_IECreate? can the object variable be empty as long as the page exists will it still
attain that information then continue with the next actions?
IF the user already has the page open, i dont want another page created to get the input, so
is there another _IE func or way where _IETagNameGetCollection just recognizes if the page is
open and retrieves the input and goes on as normal ?