i am trying to parse some textinfo and it just seems not to work.
here you can see what i am trying to do
i want to find the state (active or not) for all ten devices.
the regexp
(?ms)\["tam:settings\/TAM\/list\(Active,Name,Display,MSNBitmap\)"\] = \{.*\[4\] = \{\s*\["Active"\] = "([10])",
seems to work and i can get the needed result by changing the numer (in bold).
I tried this in autoit with
$state = StringRegExp($text, '\["tam:settings\/TAM\/list\(Active,Name,Display,MSNBitmap\)"\] = \{\s*\[' & $tam & '\] = \{\s*\["Active"\] = "([10])",', 1)
but i never get a result...
can anyone please help me:-)