is there some method :
to get path to image in the browser cache
to make image show itself (load) on the page (IE in OS configured to not to not show images by default)
For now it like this:
AutoIt Code
$picNameOrig = StringRegExpReplace($rawHTML,'(?is).*<img src="http:.+/(.+?)" />.*', '$1') $picExtOrig = StringStripWS(StringMid($picNameOrig,StringInStr($picNameOrig,".",0,-1)+1),3) $Path_Cache = RegRead ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders", "Cache" ) & "\Content.IE5" $mask = StringRegExpReplace($picNameOrig,"\.","*") $fileList = _FileSearch($Path_Cache, $mask, 1)
and i get image to load by right-clicking on it.